Part Seven

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{'Blue Drawing-Room in the Mariinsky Palace' by Edward Hau from Wikimedia Commons}

When Lisette was done dressing, Viola led her to one of the manor's many parlors. Lisette had always considered her own home rather large, though by comparison, it was dwarfed by the size of the Sembroline estate. She was the last one of her family to arrive, her mother and father already sipping tea as her brother stood at one of the tall and open windows that overlooked the rear gardens, a somber aura about him. She silently moved to his side and hooked her arm around his, his hands remained in his pockets though a gracious smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he glanced down for a moment, glad for his sister's comfort.

It wasn't long before the Olivays were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Sembroline, their arrival marked by the brisk shifting of Mrs. Sembroline's skirts as she hurried into the room, leaving her husband's side and offering them a sincere and cheerful greeting with her arms held wide, "Welcome family!"

Marques couldn't be said to not be a friendly sort, but in the shadow of his wife's exuberance he did appear rather reserved as he stood slightly behind and to her side with his hands behind his back. Though the contrast of their demeanors wasn't nearly as great as that of their appearances on account of the fact that Sola was petite of figure and stature with golden blonde hair and fair skin that accentuated the rosiness in her cheeks. Her face was narrow and her features rounded and sweet, making her look akin to a doll while her husband stood at least two heads taller than her with skin so dark that it made his wife's skin seem all the lighter.

"We are so happy that you made the trip and we look forward to getting to know you all," Sola greeted them each individually, taking them each by the hand and Lisette found the sincerity that she offered delightful. If this was any sign of how her future sister-in-law would behave it didn't seem that this match would be a complete disappointment.

"Ah, but it is quite a pleasure for us as well, Misses Sembroline," Maurice accepted her hand graciously and respectfully kissed her knuckles, continuing to hold her hand afterwards as he observed the entryway with a slightly furrowed brow. It wasn't as though Nadine and Maurice were an unhappy or grumpy sort, rather they were a bit stern though they now appeared confused rather than angry considering the fact that the intended bride had not arrived with her parents. The evidence of concern that they wore on their faces was also evident in their words as Maurice voiced their concerns, "although, may I ask where is the bride-to-be?"

Marques and Sola glanced at one another, Sola simpering a bit before Marques responded to the question with a smile and a genuine tone, "we apologize for not including her, but we thought it best to discuss things and prepare young Mister Olivay for what he is to expect outside of what you have already told him."

This sentence caused Nadine and Maurice Olivay to exchange worried glances, not noticing the looks their parents gave each other, Lisette and Sabien mimicked their gesture before Sabien stepped forward to firmly question the parents of his betrothed, "pardon me... what I am to expect?"

It was now that Sabien turned his attention to his parents, his emotions held in check despite the expression he held on his face that screamed his feelings of betrayal. Marques' lips pursed as he felt the tension in the air and he looked at the floor for a moment with his hands behind his back, while Sola did what she could to alleviate the awkward situation.

"Oh dear... you didn't tell him..." Sola donned a light air and stepped up to Sabien, turning her gaze between him and his sister, "the circumstances are rather... delicate..." Sola glanced between the members of the family with mild discomfort in her gaze before she again focused on Sabien, "I am certain that your parents had your best interests in mind by not informing you beforehand, so please... may we discuss this at length once we sit?"

Heart's ContentTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon