Part Six

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{Art by Кронштадт/Россия from}

The night prior to their journey had been a restless one for the Olivay siblings and while a single year wasn't the same as more than a decade of time spent, Lisette was certain that Sabien was grateful for the time to get to know his intended despite being expected to marry a virtual stranger. Of course while Lisette could commend her parents for being so generous with time and allowing Sabien ample opportunity to get to know Genevieve Sembroline, she couldn't help but suspect that the veritable vacation was merely part of their designs to save money for themselves.

"Honestly, you both look as though you are on your way to a funeral," Nadine spoke with disapproval as she turned her gaze back towards the window.

"Leave them be darling," Maurice mumbled as he turned a page in his book, "we knew this would be the likely outcome of the arrangements."

Lisette leaned against the frame of the carriage window, staring out at the surroundings as they passed. She and her brother both looked rather worse for the wear due to the bags under their eyes, each lost in their own thoughts and virtually ignoring their parents whether or not their words were actually directed at them. They were tired and upset and feeling empathy over each other's emotions, which only made how they felt worse.

Even though the Olivays were pinching their pennies, they planned plenty of stops during the journey to Seldoné in order to make it less arduous despite the distance and mode of travel. The carriage ride wasn't enjoyable for anyone but particularly for Sabien and Lisette who looked forward to each stop they made just for some fresh air away from their parents. Maurice had done well at keeping their mother at bay, but it was almost as though she had an internal clock or had planned ahead of time exactly when she would inevitably find cause to supersede him. Even though Lisette and Sabien would have rather made quick time getting to their destination rather than prolong the inevitable with the rest stops, they each breathed a sigh of relief as they hurried towards the inn with their mother calling from the carriage behind them, "you are both acting as though you are spoiled children who have been denied dessert!"

They didn't care that their behavior displeased her, hers and their father's displeased them and they quickly took to the chambers that had been procured for their family both absconding to one of the rooms and locking the door before they lay side by side on the large bed in the hope of being free of their mother at least for the night.

"'We knew this would be the likely outcome of the arrangements,'" Sabien spoke in a mocking tone, mimicking the words their father had spoken earlier before he groaned and covered his face with both hands, "their audacity knows no bounds!"

They had taken to continued silence and didn't react to their mother's words, keeping anything they had to say between themselves. It was hard to have anything kind to say to people who had caused Lisette to practically lose her best friend and Sabien to lose his true love, "of course... why else would they have kept this all hidden from us until the last minute?"

Lisette's hands lay across the plain brown fabric of her traveling gown where it covered her flat stomach as she stared at the plaster ceiling above the bed and the brown wooden rafters that offered it support. She considered the fact that they didn't have to force Sabien to marry someone he didn't know anymore than Lisette should be forced to marry someone who was more than twice her age and she couldn't comprehend how they could be so selfish as to make those decisions anyway.

"Lisette? Sabien?" Their mother's call came from the door as she knocked rapidly on it before trying the handle.

Begrudgingly, Lisette sat up, knowing if she didn't offer some sort of response her mother would continue to try the handle, "we're resting, mother."

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