Part Three

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{'Thorvald Boecks Bibliotek' by Harriet Backer from Wikimedia Commons}

The sunroom of the Olivay home had windows lining two of the walls with sheer floral curtains decorating each and just inside of the windows that overlooked the garden there was a plush cushioned seat, the view from which was calm and peaceful and kept it from being a distraction when one was reading so it was here where Lisette quite often partook of her favored pastime. While the days were not as warm as the summer that was to come, there was still ample sunlight especially on a clear day such as this one and that allowed for plenty of light in a room that by default was the most well lit room in the house on any given day.

Sabien had been out with Ellory for the better part of the morning and was only now making his return, he had barely begun to remove his coat when Nadine stepped out of the parlor, "How was your outing with Miss Anoreen?"

"Mother, please. You know to call her Ellory," Sabien laughed as he pulled off his coat and hung it beside the door on the rack, setting his hat on the shelf above it, "and I am certain you know that it was pleasant as always."

The corner of Nadine's mouth twitched into a slight smile that was there only briefly while she nodded. She gestured towards the study at the end of the main hall, "your father wishes to see you now that you're home."

"Oh? Well then I shall attend him immediately," Sabien made his way to the closed door and knocked, awaiting a response before he entered with Nadine following closely behind, closing the door behind both of them once they had entered.

Lisette was unaware of Sabien's return, her attention deeply engrossed in her book though it was unlikely that his casual entrance and the quiet interaction between he and their mother would have been heard by her from a room that was on the second floor and at the rear of the house. What did jar her from her focus however, was the sudden sound of shouting as the study door flew open, causing her to pause in her reading as she listened to the commotion on the floor below. It was undoubtedly her brother who was exclaiming in anger and out of a combination of curiosity and concern, she found herself saving her place in her book before she set it down and ventured towards the stairs, standing at the bannister and peering down at the hall below as she heard the heavy footfalls of an angry man as he stormed down the hall towards the front door.

"Sabien!" Nadine called after him with mild urgency and very evident irritation as her footsteps hurried on behind him though the sound of his name seemingly failed to reach him but it was more likely that he chose to ignore it considering the fact that he was obviously very displeased by whatever had transpired behind the closed door of their father's study. Lisette wondered what could put Sabien in such a fury as he passed below her and snatched his coat and hat before bursting out through the front door and slamming it shut behind him.

While she stood on the second floor in confusion over what had just occurred, her mother stood below staring at the door her eldest child had verily just slammed in her face. She eventually turned from the door, sighing and despite noticing her daughter watching from above, her demeanor didn't change, "Lisette... please join your father and I in the study."

Lisette gave a somewhat hesitant nod as her hand slid over the darkly stained wood of the railing and she began to make her way downstairs, considering the somewhat commanding request she had just been issued. It wasn't often that they asked that she join them in such a manner, very little did they ever request her presence so acutely unless they wished to question her on the cost of a new gown or why she hadn't accepted an invitation from some young man whose attention she had caught. A deep sinking feeling was encompassing her because of her brother's exit and even though she desperately wanted to create an excuse not to join them because she felt that she was no more to like what they had to say to her than Sabien had liked what they had said to him, declining their request didn't seem wise.

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