Blackberry Pickin'

188 7 2

Prompt - Something Fall Related.


The team had not really had time to themselves recently, which is why Zane decided to surprise his girlfriend with something that he had seen the other ninja do often. So he grabbed a basket, and PIXAL, and headed out into the countryside. He explained his plan to her.

"Blackberry picking? Why?" She questioned, a look of confusion on her face.

"Because it will be fun, and will be peaceful to get out for a bit."

She looked content with it, and linked arms with Zane, putting her head on his shoulder as they walked down.

As they walked, they passed the trees, in which the leaves with a golden colour, and falling off. One fell down, and landed in Zane's face, temporarily blinding him.

"Zane! Watch out!" PIXAL said.

"Wha-" Zane tripped over a loose stem of a tree, and brought the both of them down.

They both stayed on the ground for a second, looking at each other, before starting to chuckle, soon breaking into the full laughter. They soon calmed down and got back up, exchanging a few chuckles.

"Right, shall we continue?" he asked, holding out his hand

"Yes, we shall." She took his hand, and they continued.

They arrived at the blackberry bushes, and started picking the bushes. They exchanged jokes and laughs, as well as planning to use the blueberries to make some pies later on when they got back to the Monastery. They thought they would be nice by treating their friends, but making sure that they can enjoy some as well.

The sun was setting by the time that they finished, with their basket full of the blackberries. Instead of heading home straight away however, Zane led PIXAL to the side of a hill, where they sat down, and enjoyed the sun setting together. They never really had time to themselves like this before.

"I love this." She rested her head on Zane's

"And I love you." Zane said back. PIXAL's cheeks tinted green, before she spoke again.

"I love you too."

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