"WHERE IS SHE?!" Jade screamed so loud it made her throat hurt. "WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!"

Gary sat down on the couch across from her.

"You're too late, Jade." He smiled, taking his phone out of his pocket. He reached over and ran his hand up her thigh, causing her to quickly snatch away. "We've been tearing this city up looking for you, and you were dumb enough to just wander right to my front door." He laughed. "He'll be happy to know that we've found you. At this point your girl is no use to us anymore, so yeah... too late, Jade."

Who is HE? No.... no. It can't be. There's no way.

"NO!" She cried, her voice breaking, and tears threatening to spill over. "Please no..."

She watched him unlock his phone and begin to type a message to someone.

Shit, no. No no no. Please, no. Please don't hurt her.

"Wait! Wait!" She shouted. "Don't tell him I'm here just yet! We haven't gotten the chance to catch up, like you said."

She was trying desperately to buy herself more time. He peeked up from his phone, and then locked it and tossed it on the seat next to him. She exhaled. In her head, she was putting two and two together, while buying time.

Whoever has Perrie is only keeping her alive to find out where I am. She has no clue. She couldn't possibly know where I am right now. We haven't spoken in over 24 hours. But that means... if she doesn't have any information to give them, then they're probably doing all sorts of things to her to try and break her. Oh, god. Hold on, baby. I'm coming for you. Please just hold on.

The thought alone made Jade sick to her stomach.

Soon they'll realize she really doesn't know, and then she'll truly be out of time. I can't let that happen.

She inhaled sharply when she felt hot breath on her neck. While she was deep in thought, she hadn't realized that Gary had gotten up and sat down next to her.

"Why don't we talk first, Gary?" She said, cringing at the way he smelled of alcohol and bad breath.

"That's not the kind of catching up I want to do." He smirked as he turned to face Jade, and pushed her down on the couch, swinging her legs around so that she was laying down completely.

She wanted to throw up as she felt him position himself in between her legs, and her body being weighed down. When he tried to kiss her, she turned her head to the side making his lips land on her cheek. He forcefully grabbed her face and held it still while he stuck his tongue in her mouth, causing her to literally gag.

As he started to leave sloppy, wet, disgusting feeling kisses on her neck, she stared up at the ceiling, wondering how to get out of this. There was no way she was letting this happen to her again. She knew she still had the gun, but she needed the perfect opportunity to use it, or she feared she may fumble and drop it or something.

It was when he unzipped her jacket and started to raise her t-shirt, that she knew she had to stop him now. Even though the gun was tucked in the back of her pants, and she was technically laying on it, she didn't want to risk him finding it.

"Wait!" She shouted, trying to push him off, but he was too strong.

She tried again, to no avail, and was ready to just give up once again. That's how it's always happened. She'd never been strong enough. She closed her eyes and finally let the tears fall.

When she closed her eyes though, instead of seeing the familiar darkness that she was used to, and that she expected, she saw Perrie's face. Smiling at her. Wiping her tears, as she had done many times before. Holding her in her arms and literally holding her together, as only she could do. Laughing and playing with her son.

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