I look at the fine patch work and I look in the corner to see my mother's name and I smile and place the blanket down on the couch.I look back in the box to see my old stuffed animal Tony Tiger.

I look back in the box to see my old stuffed animal Tony Tiger

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Tabitha:Wow!,Tony Tiger.I haven't seen this since...Since they died...My father bought me this.

Joey:I think it's nice."Smiles".

Tabitha:My father bought it for me when I was 5.He took me to a fair and we spent the day together.That day we had Frosted Flakes for breakfast so that's why i named my toy Tony Tiger.

   I chuckle at the memory and I put the toy next to the blanket and look thru the box again to see photos of my parents.

   I chuckle at the memory and I put the toy next to the blanket and look thru the box again to see photos of my parents

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Joey:Hey you have your dad's hair and yoir moms eyes!

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Joey:Hey you have your dad's hair and yoir moms eyes!.

I smile.

Tabitha:I guess I do.

Joey:What's your favorite memories of her?.

Tabitha:How we used to sing together.

-May 20th 1977-

Tabitha:Mom could you please sing with me?.

Robin:Alright darling alright.

   The two woman walk over to a piano and Mason begins to play the piano.

Robin:"Sings".I'm nothing special in fact I'm a bit of a bore.If I tell a joke you've probably heard it before.But I have a talent a wonderful thing.Cause everyone listens when I start to sing I'm so grateful and proud.All I want is to sing it out loud.

Robin,Tabitha:"Sings".So I say thank you for the music the songs I'm singing.Thanks for all the joy they're bringing.Who can live without it?.I ask in all honesty.What would life be?.Without a song or a dance what are we?.So I say thank you for the music for giving it to me.

Tabitha:"Sings".Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk.She says I began to sing long before I could talk.And I've often wondered how did it all start?.Who found out that nothing can capture a heart.Like a melody can?.Well whoever it was I'm a fan.

Robin,Tabitha:"Sings".So I say.Thank you for the music the songs I'm singing.Thanks for all the joy they're bringing.Who can live without it?.I ask in all honesty.What would life be?.Without a song or a dance what are we?.So I say thank you for the music.For giving it to me.

Robin:"Sings".I've been so lucky I am the girl with golden hair.I wanna sing it out to everybody.What a joy,what a life,what a chance.

Tabitha:"Sings".Thank you for the music the songs I'm singing.Thanks for all the joy they're bringing.Who can live without it I ask in all honesty.What would life be?.Without a song or a dance what are we?.So I say thank you for the music.For giving it to me.So I say...Thank you for the music for giving it to me.

-October 21st 1997-

Tabitha:It was because of her that I took up singing.

Joey:Then i am glad because i love hearing you sing.

   I smile at my husband and I kiss him then I turn back to the box and I see an envelope and I pick it up.I open it to see a letter dated...September 23rd 1994.

Tabitha:Hey this letter was written in September of 1994.



I begin to read the letter.

(Dear Jack and Judy Geller.

   I am writing to you to say thank you for watching my daughter all these years.I know it must've been hard telling her that she would no longer see her parents.If she wasn't in danger I would have just went and hugged her and told her that I survived the crash and her father had not myself.My heart breaks everyday that I am not with her.It has been 17 years since I last seen her smile and long red hair that she shared with her father Mason.I hope she found peace in your home with your children Ross and Monica the three were always so close.Tabitha has always been a little sister to Ross and an older sister to Monica.I miss hearing them say Tab Tab,Ella,Monnie and Rossie them calling eachother that was so adorable...Anyway my dear friends thank you for everything.

Sincerely Robin Sanderson.)

   I gasp at the letter that Joey read along with me and we look at eachother shocked and then we see a recent photo of her.

   I gasp at the letter that Joey read along with me and we look at eachother shocked and then we see a recent photo of her

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