Chapter 14: With Her

Start from the beginning

You were far to be cute right now.

"Pleasure to meet you, Y/N." He utters while kissing the back of the palm of your hand. You went all giggly in his small gesture.

"That's so...uh formal." You tittered more at the 'formal' thing which doesn't suit the gesture.

"No...wrong."He speaks with his cheerful voice as you scoot more closer to him."That's so romantic."He corrects you as he sets his gaze in your eyes. He was serious. But on the contrary, you try your best to laugh at this intimate conversation.

But unfortunately, the laugh just escapes from you before you can even control yourself. Humorless talks seem to caught you all giggly even though you would just simply blow it off if you were sober.

"I'm sorry. I'm not good at this 'eye-contact' things." You simply state the fact while he was the one who becomes all tee-hee at this time before he mutters something under his breath.


By each drink offered seems like a better idea. The jokes become funnier and the conversations become more intimate. Both of you exchanged your numbers. Now, you two were engrossed in your occassional chat up, until Hoseok got a call.

"I'm sorry. I've to take this." He slurs his words a bit. In response, you just nod, busy in helping yourself with another drink. He distances himself, before taking the call.

Grabbing your drink, you mentally convince your pure mind that it's the last one. But before you could chug it down, a pale hand grabs your hand. You mumble every possible curse or swear words that you could recall before bobbing your head behind to perceive the owner of the hand. Although, you already know.

"Whoa! Hold on, young woman. Don't you think you are going too light-headed?"Yoongi vocalizes with his dominant aura. An air of melancholy makes you hiss in discontent while you roll your eyes infront of his stern face.


You try to walk down the last few steps of your house while Yoongi was guiding you. Yoongi was quite sober unlike you.

"Okay...last step."Yoongi prompts. But you know how many times he already induced with 'last step'. You can feel your brain sending signals, but your body tells otherwise.

Okay...that's it. You peeked towards through your hooded eyes towards your destination. Gasp overtakes you before you could utter your words.

"This is what you call the last step."You low-key yell at him while you release yourself from his grip. But you instantly regret that as you feel yourself struggling to stand firmly.

"I'm done. I can't walk anymore. And these heels freaking hurts." Sputtering out your frustration, you just gave in, about to sit on the ground.

Until the pale blonde-haired figure hoicks you up like a rag doll over his shoulder.

Oops...that was out of the blue.


"Hobi! Why didn't you tell me that you came back?" The man whines from the other side of the phone.

"Nope. I didn't."Hoseok lies for the sake of surprise he was about to give to the male, he's talking to.

"Don't lie! I have proof." The person protests even though he doesn't have any proof. He was just predicting.

"Do you?" Hoseok teases playfully.

"Should I send you?"The man asserts being obvious with his prediction from the way of Hoseok's speaking.

"Silly! I was planning to surprise you. By the way, who told you?" Hoseok gives up. Disappointment lacing his tone while the person on the call bursts into the laughter of his victory.

But soon after Hoseok blows it off anyway as he continues."Oh, I got good news for you."

"What?" The man from the other side of the phone responds enthusiastically as Hoseok chuckles a bit from his childishness.

"I'm with her now," Hoseok asserts as a smirk makes its way to his face.

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