December 18th, 1987: Working Up a Sweat

76 7 3

This novella contains mature language.

Jaime lifted her leg and groaned as her muscles screamed out at her. She grumbled a few insults at it and her therapist chuckled. After shooting him a glare, he looked at the ceiling, suddenly finding it all too interesting.

"Find something funny?"

"It wouldn't be so bad if you had come in when you should have."

"Aren't you supposed to cheer me on, you cheeky prick? What the actual holy fuck?" She cocked an eyebrow and he shook his head.

"Look, I'll be honest with you just like your girlfriend was with me." Baxter stated as he patted her shoulder. She shrugged it off and turned to him, about to argue with his statement. "What? She ain't your girl?"

"She... Well, yeah. She is, but--"

"Then, you should listen to her more often. Another two weeks of this, then we hit the gravel. You're lucky your muscles didn't atrophy any more."




"'Cause I said so."

She gritted her teeth at the infuriating man and began her leg lifts again as someone walked into the room. "Yo!" Jaime glanced back and gave Kevin a nod as he walked their way. He grabbed an exercise ball and tossed it at Baxter. "What's up, doc?"

"I'm not a doctor and we're nearly done." Baxter caught the ball and set it aside with a chastising expression toward Kevin. He just smiled and leaned against the bars Jaime held onto. "Ten more, Jaime."

"What're you doing here?" She asked Kevin as she began to lift her leg against the elastic band along her foot and thigh. It hurt and she hated it. Pain wasn't something Jaime ever enjoyed and she avoided addressing it if possible. That wouldn't work this time, and in more ways than just the physical. She sighed and lifted her leg again as a bead of sweat trickled off of the tip of her nose. "Came to gloat?"

"Pretty much." Kevin stood up straight and jogged in place with a shitty grin. "Look what I can do, Jay."

"Oh, fuck you."

"Right back atcha, sport."

"Don't call me that." She strained as she lifted her leg two more times, releasing a guffaw as she rested her foot along the floor. She never knew lifting one leg could be this difficult. "Jesus...!"

"Want to see me do a handstand? Maybe I can--"

"Kindly shut the fuck up?"

"Nah, not my style."

"Since when did you have style?" Two more, halfway there.

"It's called street chique, according to Abby. She's waiting in the car with Lily."

"Yeah, that's code for hurry the hell up." Another two. "I hear you."

"No rush. We just want you to get better."

Jaime turned her head and squinted at the odd comfort words Kevin gave her. "What did you do...?"

Kevin stared at her through wide eyes and visibly fought to not reply, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth. However, the longer Jaime stared, the more he sweat and cracked under the pressure. "...Your dad is headed to your loft. With his...pregnant wife. I gave him your address... Sorry."

"Dammit... I knew you were being weirder than usual."

"I thought you liked babies."

Jaime lifted her leg and left it suspended, ignoring her pain. "Yeah, but not my dad or his trophy wife, and the baby is the size of an apple right now." She sighed and turned her head to face the far wall opposite herself. "I also think I know exactly what he's going to talk about."

Arcane Sequence: 1987 (WLW)Where stories live. Discover now