Injured -Joshua Graham

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You came up to the abandoned ranger station, it was close to getting night on your weekly quests to find Joshua, your humble boyfriend, aloe vera and more bandages for his burns.

You could feel the heat getting to your own burn, the one on the right side of your face. You had earned your scar when you was ten years old because of the White Legs.

Your tribe was either murdered or enslaved. You had the latter due to being so young. They toyed with you like a dog with a chew toy.

You got up the ranger station and scavenged a few medical supplies and some .45 ammo. Hearing a growl outside you turned seeing a Guai charging towards you.

You scampered away but an old rotted board underneath you gave out causing you to fall from the top of the station.

You screamed hearing your leg break. You was able to reach for your .45 submachine gun. You shot, spraying the Guai in the head with it.

The bear dropped dead in front of you but your leg throbbed in pain. "Shit," you said as you laid on your back on the warm rocks.

You dug in your gecko hide made knapsack for anything to make a makeshift splint. You didn't find anything and you know that walking on it, you wouldn't get far.

You also knew that lighting a smoke signal for help would alert White Legs, also screaming for help would not be wise either. You managed to crawl back up the ranger station.

You had found a medical brace shoved into the corner. You took your sleeve and cramed it in your mouth as you set your leg. A scream threatened to give away your presence.

Once you got the brace on, you begged for any sort of pain medication. You decided to rest before trying to crawl back to Angel Cave.

You passed out around midnight, you groaned softly hearing soft footsteps on the stairs. You didn't even reach for your gun seeing the shadow at the door.

Not till I'm dead.

A gunshot startled you, the shadow dropped. Turns out it was a White Leg tribal.

A familiar voice let you sit up. "Y/n!" Joshua voice was calling.

"Joshua!" You called.

Your bandaged boyfriend hurried up the stairs, relief filled his eyes. His arms immediately went around you, pulling you into his chest.

You laid against his chest. "My leg is broken, damn Guai ambushed me."

He ran his fingers through your hair. "I'm gonna have to carry you."

You nodded wrapping your arms around his neck, wincing when he picked you up bridal style.

It was slow going and you both hoped that no animal or White Leg wouldn't ambush you.

Pain shot into Joshua's back and arms as he carried you four miles up river. You was relieved when he got back into Angel Cave before the sun rose. You knew how much the sun hurt him.

Joshua laid you on his bed. His arms cramping.

"I'm sorry," you said as he stretched out his arms, groaning softly in pain.

"Don't be," he said. "Just sore." He then went to work on your leg, making sure that you set your leg right and to give you some pain medication he found.

You had passed out eventually letting him stop hovering over you. He went to check and clean his guns before heading out.


He returned a short time later with crutches and pain medication. He let out a sigh seeing you asleep, he leaned down and kissed the top of your head.

You stirred slightly. "Cuddle with me."

He chuckled softly and crawled into bed with you. He pulled you to his chest. He was slightly in pain but didn't want you to know that. He ran his fingers into your messy bed hair.

"I love you," you mumbled.

"I love you too," he whispered. 

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