Till Death My Love -Joshua Graham

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A/n: someone requested of a back story to the "Can I love again" imagine with Boone. To recap in that one you was the daughter of Ceaser who was in love with Joshua before he was yeeted off a cliff.

This is a prequel before you met Boone.

Tw: Lightly mentions a miscarriage, I just mentioned it cause I didn't want to describe it incase it seemed I didn't know what I was talking about.


You woke rather early, it was about two in the morning. Raising up you glanced to your father's side of his war tent. His snoring gave you a clear indication he was knocked out.

"Where are you going?" Lucius grabbed a hold of your arm. He spoke quietly to not wake your father.

"For a run," you lied. It wasn't hardly a lie. Your father had told you he wanted a strong heir so he ordered you to be as fit as possible.

And it was better to go for a run when all of the men was alseep. At least you could walk around with out vultures looking at you.

"Don't leave the walls," Lucius ordered. He let go of your arm and let you leave. Sneaking down to the Legate war camp was easy.

Slaves was the only ones up at this hour. You slipped by unseen into Joshua's, your lover's, camp.

He was already up waiting on you. The reason you kept it quiet and secret was the vast age difference. You was about eighteen and he was well into his early forties.

A hug happened as you two made sure you wasn't spotted. The flap was down to keep any sort of onlookers away.

"Was you spotted?" He asked running a hand through your hair.

"Lucius almost caught on," you replied. You sighed knowing the morning might be the last day you would see him again. You buried your face in the crook of his neck taking in his warmth.

"I have something to tell you," you said finally. "I'm pregnant."

His lips curled back into a smile. "What?"

You nodded. "This morning was when I found out. I couldn't get you away long enough."

He kissed you. "It's alright."

"What are we gonna do?"

"We've not gonna do anything right now, this is a happy moment." He hugged you and kissed you.

°•°•°Few Hours Later•°•°•

You watched Joshua leaving with the men. You two had only gotten a few minutes alone before he was summoned by Ceaser.

He glanced back but couldn't say anything since Ceaser was watching, but his eyes had that light. Those pleading eyes that both threaten and adore.

"Don't worry daughter, they'll return victorious," Ceaser's voice startled you.

You agreed and walked off. You couldn't hardly sit still as you paced the grounds of the Fort.

Siri was in the slave kitchens fixing up healing powder when she saw you. She knew of your relationship to Graham, she also passed secret messages to you and Joshua.

She was slave, no one gave her an eye if she was to deliver a message to Graham and vice versa.

"He'll be okay," she said to you.

"It's not the battle I'm worried about," you said.

"What do you mean?" Siri asked.

You raised an eyebrow and glanced around. Making sure no ears was listening you pointed to your midsection.

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