Hallucinations ~Charon

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A/n: Reader is the Lone Wanderer in this.

Litterly got this idea from watch ATLA the Swamp episode.

Also I love making theories about Charon's past because there isn't much known about him, even on the Wiki.


Vault 106 was a trap, especially now. You and your boyfriend Charon was separated in the vast metal hallways. All you wanted to do was scavenge and explore.

You found out that they was gassing their residents as an insane experiment and some that didn't escape was now insane.

"Charon!" You whispered yelled into a room.

The sound of the gas coming through the vents was back. It cycled through about 20 minutes at a time. You turned into a large room seeing a figure in the corner standing near some type of console. The room was clean and not the same decaying rust bucket you have seen.

The figure wore a lab coat and had a head ot greying hair.

Your heart was in your throat. "Dad?" You said. "Dad!" You was yelling now. You dropped your rifle and took off into a sprint. "I can't believe..." you put a hand on his shoulder.

The gas stopped cycling reveiling what you had ran too. It was a console but your hand was touching the cold metal. It was rusted and hadn't worked in years.

You was scared and frightened, you backed away from it silently cursing at your mind playing a nasty trick.

Hot, fiery tears streamed down your cheeks. You collapsed to your knees trying to get your breath. Your back found the cold metal of the Vault.

You sunk to the floor, your legs giving out from underneath you.

You was searching the Capital Wasteland for him but all you found was empty promises.


Charon heard the gas cycling through the vents, he had done killed another insane resident who came at him with a tire iron. He turned down a hallway not seeing the Vault.

He saw the barrels of radiation that surrounded his cell when he was brainwashed. He slammed his fist on the wall trying to find a way out.

He gave up and slid down the wall holding his head in his hands, he shut his eyes trying to hold on to reality.

He thought about you, it kept him grounded where he was.

The gas wore off just as quickly as it came. He wandered back to the main area when he heard crying.

Your crying.

"Y/n!" He called taking off into a sprint. He found you in the same spot with your face buried in your hands. Your assault rifle thrown on the floor. He picked it up and slung it to his back with his shotgun.

He dropped to his knees putting a hand on your lower back, his other hand was on your cheek. "Come here," he said pulling you close.

You wrapped your arms around him and buried your face into his chest. You could hardly get a single word out of your mouth.

"I'm here," he comforted.

"I...I saw my dad..." you managed to get out.

Charon ran a hand through your hair. "We will find him." He picked you up and carried you out of the Vault.

You two just sat outside the rickety wooden door to the Vault trying to catch your breath.

Luckily the rocks offered protection from any animals that might be roaming.

"Did you see anything?" She asked him. "When the gas was there?"

Charon was silent, he didn't want to talk about it. "No," he said after a few minutes.

You looked over at him seeing the sad look in his eye when he remembers something from his past. Something that came back from the brainwashing his old handlers had done to him. Somethings manage to slip through some times.

"You did see something," you said.

He sighed knowing you would keep talking about it. "I saw the cell I was put in surrounded by radioactive barrels. Turned me into this..." he looked at his hands.


Back in Megaton, Charon and you stayed in bed. Your bodies was entangled and reveled in the comfort.

While the gas had done worn off, its effects remained. It made you two remember things you didnt want to remember.

You laid your head against his chest, tears still streaming. You felt his fingers on your lower back, the soft circling motion of them.

"I'm here," he said softly.

You eventually calmed down, your ears was filled with Charon's whispering in your ear.

"Don't leave me...please..." you was begging him. "Everyone leaves me."

He could leave if he wanted too, you tore up his contract. He wasn't bound to it anymore.

"I never will," he said pressing a kiss to your forehead.

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