Could I Love Again? -Boone

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Brace yourselves it's a long one.


Boone looked over at you as you pulled a small child back away from a Legionary. You didn't waste a second to put a bullet in between his eyes with your .45 pistol.

You two had came back to Bitter Springs to deliver supplies to the dying camp when a Legion raiding party came to interrupt. You guarded the refugees along with the few NCR soldiers that was still stationed there.

Boone was there by your side, he always was since you two met in Novac. He protected you from anything.

Deathclaws, Legion, Fiends. It didn't matter. He was your friend.

You soon swapped guns to get out your .45 submachine gun, you sprayed every inch of the raiding party.

"There's more coming," A soldier yelled.

You grabbed your grenade rifle and loaded a plasma grenade into the barrel. "Everyone keep your heads down and cover your ears," you said to the refugees that hunkered down behind the sandbag walls.

You arched your shot to hit in the middle of the group of Legionaries, you shielded your eyes to keep from being blinded

Soon the Legionaries was dead. It didn't last long, they was mostly dead but the soldiers had two losses. None of the refugees died.

You made sure they was okay but you saw Boone looking over at you. He had a strange glimmer in his eye. You had noticed it when he talked about Carla, his wife. Well the good memories anyway. "You okay Boone?" You asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Boone said.

You looked at the Centurion that had been killed, you found raid plans on him. You read the ledger closely. "Huh, this wasn't some normal slave grab," you said.

"What do you mean?" Boone said.

"Ceaser doesn't send his best men for slave grabs, this guy is a Centurion." You looked at another. "He's a veteran." You finally found the last one. "Hes a praetorian guard."

"How do you know all this?" Boone said.

You sighed knowing you didn't want to tell him but he did tell you about Bitter Springs, about his pain. "Remember when I said that your not the only one who has things they don't want reveled. "

Boone nodded. "Go on."

You looked at the Legionaries, you didn't recognize any and that was a good thing. You was hurt by the truth and Boone noticed.

"Tell me please," he said.

"Ceaser is my father," you said.

Hurt and anger was visible on his face. "But you killed Legionaries, how are you not..."

"In Arizona right now?" You sighed. "I loved a man, someone who Ceaser considers a traitor. Joshua Graham."

"The Malpis Legate? The one NCR defeated a couple of years ago?"

You nodded. "We kept it secret for a while but word got around fast. Rumors and speculation was everywhere. After the First Battle of the Dam, it was blown out of the water. Literally."

You felt Boone's hand embraced yours. It was calming to a point. "When Joshua came back...I tried to stop him reporting to my father but he didn't listen. Next thing I knew I was on my knees in front of Ceaser, begging for Joshua's life."

"What happened after that?"

"Ceaser could tell I was begging as a lover and it enraged him. Joshua told him everything. I had to watch while the praetorian guards covered him in pitch and set him on fire. They tossed him into the Grand Canyon without a second thought."

"Why didn't you tell me this?" Boone said.

"I didn't want to remember," you said using his words about Bitter Springs. "I didn't want to remember living in the Legion and being held back to stop myself from going over the canyon walls to go after him." You felt fresh tears falling. "I'm just tired Boone, tierd of having to hide the fact that I'm the spawn of the NCR's enemy, tired of the fact that he wants my head on a plate...."

He cupped your face and wiped your tears. "I don't hate you," he said finally. "You made your own decisions, he doesnt control you. No one can. Your a strong woman."

You wrapped your arms around his neck. It was rare for him to be this gentle in public. It was usually when you two was alone he loosed up his gruff attitude.

He could see some NCR soldiers watching but he didn't care. He wasn't a soldier anymore. He was a vet but would fight for them if he had to.

You let go of Boone and pulled away. "If we keep my parentage a secret that would be helpful."

"Yeah, the NCR would gladly use it for either blackmail or to make war plans."

"Probably both," you muttered. You looked at the raid plans. It was in Latin, as usual but luckily you was a damn good translator. "They tracked me here. I was the priority target, unharmed at best. Any other grabs was helpful but not a priority."

Boone looked over seeing the soldiers talking. "We might have trouble, let's go."


Back at the Lucky 38, you sat in on top the long dining room slugging back a bottle of whiskey.

Boone stayed with you worried for your sanity. The others had left for a night out on the Strip. Only he knew of your past and he wasn't about to let the others know about it, if he could help it.

He hadn't looked at you romantically but since you two had grown close, it was starting to become more natural. The gleam in his eye was ever more so apparent.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" You said.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Would I be lying and said that I like you."

"What? Me? I'm not special, I'm the spawn of a dick who can be tossed into the Colorado for all I care."

Boone looked around for a moment before walking closer to you. You still refused to look at him.

"And your wife? From the way you talk about her I can't..."

Boone pulled you into a kiss, his lips on yours, his hands on your waist pulling you close to him.

You was shocked but eventually settled into it. Your hands went wandering across his chest before you pulled away. Red heat spread across your cheeks at the thought.

"Craig..." you said using his first name. You only used it if you was embarrassed or afraid.

He cupped your cheek. "I'm serious Y/n, ever since you helped me move on with what happened, I want to help you."

"Its not that, I'm strong I can make it through. It's the fact that I'm afraid of Ceaser crucifying you. I'm afraid to love again."

He pulled you close to his chest. "He's gonna crucify everyone who comes within two feet of you but that doesnt mean I don't love you any less."

You looked up at him. "You mean that?"

He kissed your cheek. "Always."

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