The Distraction

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Chapter 4

The Distraction

The day went by without another chance for me to get Kongpob Suthiluck by himself. This was frustrating as it meant I could only carry out the plan tomorrow. I held o to my bag and walked across the school campus to the dormitories. The sun was already starting to set.

Walking, I wondered if Nat would be in the room already. Usually he would come later than me, but today I was exceptionally late. 

However, Kongpob Suthiluck's earlier comment kept me thinking. Daniel was gay. I had to tell Nat. I knew he wouldn't be back at the dorms early, so instead I had been at the library preparing for my next exams to get my mind off of what I'd heard.

After hours of studying, I arrived at the dormitory, my back aching from the strain I had been giving it all afternoon. The chairs in the library were not exactly comfortable. I searched my bag for my keys to find that I didn't have them in there. Shit, I must've forgotten to get the key before pulling the door shut when I left in the morning.

"Nat, are you in there?" I yelled, banging on the door. There was no reply. Of course not. Great, just my luck!

I found a small post it note stuck under the doorknob. I took it and read it. 

'Sorry Arthit, I won't be back till very late tonight. Out with Daniel.'

WHAT? Why was Nat ditching me when I needed him the most? And more importantly, WHY WAS HE WITH DANIEL? This was insane...Stupid Arthit! Why did you go to the library instead of coming back first??? You could've stopped him from going with him!

Enraged with frustration and tiny bit of jealousy, I gave the door a hard bang before slumping on the hallway floor and resting my back against the door. Wait... I could still call Nat, make up an excuse and tell him to come back. 

I looked for my phone in my bag. To my disappointment, it wasn't there. 

Damn, this is great. I must've forgotten it as well. Just great.

Just then, I heard someone approaching me down the hallway. I spotted a pair of familiar shoes stop in front of me and looked away immediately. I grabbed the nearest book from my bag and pretended to be absorbed in reading it. 

Why the hell was he here?

"Number 2, what are you doing here?" Kongpob asked curiously as he kneeled down in front of me. He had a can of soda in his hand and it seemed like he had just returned from the vending machine outside. "Nat locked you out or something?" he continued, snorting.

"I'm just sitting and reading OK?" I snapped with a pout. I wasn't a very good liar. In fact, I sucked at it. Obviously, I wasn't just sitting outside on the hallway floor for fun. "Besides, what are YOU doing here?"

"My room is just down there," He pointed to a dorm room which was the one directly down the corridor. Was he kidding me??? How come I didn't it notice before? He caught my puzzled expression. "You didn't know...?"

"Like I'd care." I quickly responded with a huff. "Just go back to your room."

"Nat's not going to come back soon by the looks of it." He stated out of the blue. I stared at him with a questioning look. What did he mean? "Daniel took him somewhere. He told me he wouldn't be back till late."

"WHAT? YOU KNEW?" I shouted. 

His eyes widened at the volume and tone in my voice and soon after, so did mine. "He told me before going..." Kongpob continued, his dark eyes boring into mine.

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