[ 8 : t h e - s t a r l i t - h o u r ]

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Warnings: Violence, death and a slight innuendo

Spoilers: Agent Carter Season 1

Author's Note: I've changed a tiny bit of the chronology in the episode to make it fit with the story better, just in case anyone picked up on me being inaccurate hehe. Also I lowkey hate this chapter and idk why so pls tell me what you honestly think of it!


They stepped out of the taxi after thanking the driver and ducked away from the spotlight created by an overhead streetlight to converse for a moment before entering the club.

"So, it probably isn't the wisest idea to stick together while we're in the club, since you're trying to avoid attention and I'm afraid that's all I'm gonna bring," Tonya clarified their previous plans, glancing around furtively through the dark lace of her hat: she'd donned the accessory for the commute, but was planning on leaving it at the door, since it would prove useless once inside as it would be near impossible for her not to be noticed given the proximity of everyone in the club. It wouldn't be unusual for her to be seen in such an esteemed venue, but her presence would still draw eyes, like the arrival of any celebrity would, and that was the exact opposite of what Peggy needed for herself. "Though you might accidentally end up with a few eyes on you anyway, Peg: you look stunning." Though she smiled at the compliment, Peggy prayed it wasn't too close to the truth, as she wanted to remain as unnoticed as possible.

However, she had decided to use Tonya's fame to her advantage, and they had planned for the actress to be a quick diversion of any unwanted attention directed at Peggy. The only person's focus she needed was Spider Raymond's; she had located a blonde wig to appeal to his notorious 'type' and thankfully Tonya, being a brunette, did not indulge the man's taste.

"I'll go in first, then you can slip in a few minutes later, once I've distracted the majority of attention, right?"

Peggy nodded at her friend. "That's the idea – let's hope it works," she smirked. "If this goes to plan, you should consider a change of job: you'd make a good agent."

Tonya laughed. "I'm only here for the recognition; you know how much I love the spotlight..." she joked before turning to walk into the club, calling over her shoulder. "I'll hear you if you need me."

She had adapted some communication devices to fit in her earring and in Peggy's bracelet, though she wasn't sure she'd be able to make use of it without being noticed, so she prayed she wouldn't need to.

Less than five minutes later, everything seemed to be going well. The moment she stepped into the warm, busy room, Peggy saw Tonya shaking hands with a small congregation within the crowded dance floor, as numerous others muttered and gasped around her as they realised who she was. A photographer jumped around her, flashing his camera more than a few times to capture what seemed like every angle in existence – she'd have to be sure to avoid him. She wondered how many stories the papers would create out of this, given the situation that had unfolded over the last week.

Returning her focus to the task at hand now that her distraction had been neatly provided, she surveyed the rest of the club. Unfortunately, Tonya's previous comment proved correct as she was approached by a man in a grey suit. Why on earth he would come to her when arguably the most famous actress in America was in the room, she had no idea – Tonya would certainly have remarked that Peggy greatly underestimated her own beauty.

"You look like a lady looking to dance." the man mused, taking a sip of his drink.

Turning to him to offer a false smile, she replied in what she hoped was a convincing accent. "I'm afraid I'd only step on your toes."

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