[ 3 4 : t h e i r - s t a r l i t - h o u r ]

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Warnings: Suggestive themes

Spoilers: Agent Carter Season 1


"I won't lie, I didn't expect it to be open quite this late," Tonya admitted as they sat across from each other in their booth. "I sort of just came here without thinking – it's where you always seem to be."

They had agreed, over the phone, that they would be meeting for sandwiches, but that was when the plan had been to meet tomorrow – although, it was so late now that it actually was tomorrow. The fact that it was very late – or rather, very, very early – hadn't occurred to her until she'd turned onto the street where she knew the sandwich bar to be. It also hadn't occurred to her to ask Jack to pick her up – thanks to Jarvis doubling as a butler and a chauffeur, she could fly a plane better than she could drive a car and she was decidedly far too tired to drive anyway.

Looking at Jack though as he sat opposite her told her that he was in no state to drive either; he looked as exhausted as he'd sounded on the phone. She'd been more than a little late – though they hadn't really said a time – due to the walking distance, but as she rushed up to Jack standing outside the sandwich bar, the slightly jarring hollow look behind his eyes told her that he had no idea just how long he'd been stood there waiting for her.

Jack had walked there himself as well. He understood exactly what Tonya had meant, as it hadn't taken him much thought to get to there from the bar, which he was grateful for as he didn't really have the energy for thinking at the moment. It was a route he'd taken many times before to be fair – a late night sandwich after a couple of drinks with the other agents always went down extremely well. He usually went by himself though, bidding his fellow drinkers goodnight before he took his detour, as if keeping that particular little food joint to himself made the sandwiches taste a little better. He'd found recently that they'd never tasted so good as when he ate them with a certain award-winning actress.

"Lucky for us," Jack found it a bit easier to smile all of a sudden. "It's a twenty-four hour bar."

Tonya gaped. "A twenty-four hour sandwich bar? Who on earth needs sandwiches at 4am?!"

Jack chuckled. "Us apparently. It comes in useful on the long night shifts, I can tell you that."

"I bet it does," she hummed, looking around thoughtfully at the empty food joint – besides them and the sole worker who looked extremely surprised to actually have customers in. "Well, I'm not complaining. I suppose this is the city that never sleeps, after all."

"I know how it feels." Jack chuckled humourlessly and tried not to notice the concerned look it earned him.

They'd eaten mostly in silence until then. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable; Jack felt they'd come to some mutually exhausted understanding that they were just happy to quietly be there with each other: tired of talking, but equally tired of being alone.

He took the opportunity to look at her now, just taking her in silently, as she continued to glance around the empty space in a fascinated sort of way. He supposed her life was so busy and full all the time that it was rare for her to live in these moments of peace between it all. He supposed his life was much the same really, but for slightly different reasons; maybe not all that different.

She had that look, he noticed, that hadn't been there before; the one girls got when their eyes welled up with tears for whatever reason, only there weren't any tears in her eyes: just the sadness. The crinkles he'd noticed that appeared beside her eyes whenever she smiled seemed to have faded, as though they hadn't crinkled in a while.

[Jack Thompson] (The things they don't know about) Miss TonyaWhere stories live. Discover now