"Take my robes off first ." He said softly. "I want to remember them forever. "

Jeongguk's eyes softened, although still dark ."Alright. I understand. " he used his arms and lift Taehyung up and began untying knots and removing the layers of cloth one bye one .

Even though Jeongguk saw Taehyung's body thousands of times  he was still stunned by how beautiful  Taehyung was, every time he laid his eyes on him. Now seeing Taehyung's milky skin he was excited beyond comprehensible.

He was at the last layer  ,a sheen underdress when-
"Jeongguk ..." Taehyung whispered embarrassed. "leave that one on."

Jeongguk tossed the other robes to the ground. "i will strip that off you later, then." Jeongguk himself stripped until he too was in a under robe, and then towered over Taehyung like a predator.

Taehyung blushed. "The robes-" he said , wanting to get up and fold them neatly 

"Don't concentrate on the robes, Taehyung." Jeongguk murmured against Taehyung's neck. "Concentrate on me."

Taehyung turned scarlet pink everywhere, which Jeongguk could see even under his sheer underdress. Jeongguk felt his mouth go dry. His Taehyung was so sensitive.  

"you look delicious."  Jeongguk said huskily , meeting his lips to Taehyung's collarbone again. Taehyung moaned, sending tingles down Jeongguk's back . He slowly began to move down  , peeling back the underdress until Taehyung's chest was exposed. It rise and fell in ragged breaths, and Jeongguk stopped kissing and licking for a moment to admire Taehyung.

Taehyung looked flustered , heated and so beautiful Jeongguk couldn't think.

His chest was the color of milk ,with delicate rosebuds of nipples. Then , with his messy red underdress torn open, it only added to his beauty and Jeongguk's want . Never had he image that his pure , little Taehyung could look so erotic.

Jeongguk smiled and bent down to press his lips against the skin just above Taehyung's nipples. Then he lowered his mouth and took Taehyung's nipples in between his lips.

"Oh!" Taehyung gasped, and began writhing  as Jeongguk rolled the nipple with his tongue , biting down on it softly . Then Jeongguk sucked hard , nibbling here nd there , enjoying Taehyung's sweet taste.

Taehyung felt his member rise , leaking with pre-cum , and in a panic, ground  his hips against Jeongguk's . Jeongguk stiffened. He wanted to make his way down deliriously pleasurable and teasing for Taehyung , but if Taehyung ground up against him again , he wouldn't be able to control himself. With a fierce passion, he began working harder on Taehyung's nipple, pinching and rolling the other one with his finger.

Taehyung moaned, the sound making Jeongguk shiver with delight.

Taehyung felt restless and ,so very hot. He wanted to feel full .He wanted a release . And on top of everything else ,down and here , He felt wet.

"Jeongguk." he groaned with pleasure. "Hurry."

Jeongguk's pupils dilated further , and he took the other nipple into his mouth and play with it for a few minutes, before he started drifting kisses downwards and opening the underdress further. When he traced his lips, soft like a butterfly over Taehyung's stomach , Taehyung moaned with pleasure. Jeongguk moved his way down , until Taehyung's small member was in front of him. he looked at it with a a predatory expression, eyes clouded and mouth dry with painful lust . he glanced up at Taehyung , half lidded, and almost came at how beautiful he looked. Taehyung looked like he was melting, he was a mess over Jeongguk's bed and Jeongguk drunk in every second of it. As with Taehyung's member , it was already dripping with precum. Jeongguk focused back on it , and with his fingers, he rubbed up and down  slowly with the liquid Taehyung let out. Taehyung  bucked , his back arching as he cried out. "you're so sensitive." Jeongguk murmured ,deciding to end Taehyung's pain. He opened his mouth and swiftly took Taehyung's member in , appreciating taste in his mouth. Taehyung moaned again , slowly ,grinding himself against Jeongguk's head. His climax rose as Jeongguk continued to move his mouth up and down along the length , and just before he came Jeongguk let go of his member and he watched as Taehyung's cum splattered against his pristine under robe.

His Possession (kookv)Book 1Where stories live. Discover now