Chapter 4~ A Visit From the Future

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I sat alert. Even though my position wasn't exactly comfortable I sat still and kept watch. My eyes moved around constantly scanning the area. At the end of my watch, I headed over to Halt who was to take the second watch. "Halt, its time," I whispered.

He rolled over and glared at me. "It's about two hours past when my watch was supposed to start." He growled.

I shrugged and was glared at even my harshly by the 'scruffy' ranger.

"Go ahead and go back to sleep. I can finish your watch before Amaterasu's turn." I stated and walked back to the bush and sat back down.

Halt sat up and looked at me uncertainly.

I caught the faintest scent of smoke. I hopped to my feet and saw the light of a torch moving down the trail. I notched my bow and stood ready to pull back the string and fire. I didn't pull back because the tension on the bow during the wait wouldn't be nice to the bow and potentially cause it to snap.

A person stepped from behind the tree. He was clearly o threat. He moved recklessly and wit too much confidence, no not confidence but a certain urgency. His movements were rapid but timid, almost childlike. I noticed he was breathing heavily. I looked further down the trail to see a flash of a fast-moving shadow. I wouldn't have noticed it if the person hadn't dived for cover. I caught the gleam of a dagger in the moonlight from where the person was hiding. Silently I dropped into a crouch and stalked carefully to the nearest tree. I climbed up being careful not to e seen. From there I used the branches and leaped across them silently as a dark grey cat.

Back as myself, I looked down at the person beneath me. I could tell from the size it was an adult. From his figure and scars, I figured he was one of two things, a fighter, or an assassin. Silently I dropped to the ground landing without a sound. I stepped forward and my foot brushed against a leaf, a dead leaf.

The man in front of me froze and whipped around. I stayed completely still and his gaze went right over me as if I weren't even there. He turned back to his prey then after a moment looked back again in a swift sudden movement. I hadn't moved even though my instincts were screaming at me to dive for cover.

Satisfied he continued following his quarry.

Silent as the cat I am, I followed the hunter.

"Where is she?" The man murmured. His voice was strangely familiar. His hair black and skin slightly darker than my own as if he had a tan. The dagger in his hand was black. It took me a moment to recognize it as Black Stygian iron. He seemed quite young and only a little older than Amaterasu.

"Who are you looking for?" I barked in wolf.

The man turned surprised, "Cerberus are you following me again?" He asked softly.

"No, I am not Cerberus. I'm a simple demigod like yourself." I replied softly. I still didn't move concealed by my cloak.

"Where are you. Show yourself." He growled.

"Are you looking for Ailouros Ocean and Amaterasu Forest?" I asked.

He paled and blushed slightly.

"What's your name. After you tell me your name I will reveal myself and tell you who I am." I promised.

"I am Nico Di Angelo. Son of Hades, lord of the underworld." The man replied.

I stared in shock at Nico "Y-you came for me?" I asked in amazement.

"Who are you and how do you know Ailouros?" Nico demanded.

I pulled the hood of my cloak off and stepped out of the shadows. "How did you get here Nico?" I asked.

He looked at me then smiled. "Travis, Conner, and I went on a rampage and we were sent to find you two and bring you home," Nico replied then pulled me into a hug.

"Travis, Conner. Don't even think about it." I warned the two boys who were preparing to dump confetti on us.

"How do you always know where we are at?" One of the twins asked.

"I just call it my sixth sense. Come and meet my fellow Rangers. They have helped me survive." I said taking Nico by the hand to pull him along. When the twins hesitated I added, "Amaterasu is there."

That got them urging me to run. Just to irritate them and as payback for the confetti threat, I walked back to the campsite.

Halt was waiting with his bow held at the ready.

"Halt, you can put the bow down," I said with a delighted smile.

Halt, of course, raised a suspicious eyebrow.

Nico narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"Halt this is Nico Di Angelo." I said then turned to Nico, "Nico this is Halt Ocarrick. My mentor Gilans' former mentor."

"I'm conner and he is my brother Travis Stoll. We are Hermes kids." Conner pointed out.

"Amaterasu?" Travis whispered to Gilan and gently shaking the ranger awake.

Gilan was up in a flash and had Travis pinned within the blink of an eye.

"Gilan stop. This is Travis Stoll. Don't hurt him or there will be no stopping Amaterasu." I warned.

Gilan looked at me to explain.

"Travis is her boyfriend," I replied.

"Travis!" Amaterasu said sitting up suddenly. Then she gave me a confused look.

"They pestered the other Gods until they were sent back to find us," I replied smiling.

Travis tackled Amaterasu squealing like a little girl.

"So you're leaving?" Gilan asked confused and a little hurt.

"Have I finished my training?" I asked in reply.

Gilan shook his head and smiled. "You come up with some witty responses."

"I know," I said taking a bow.

"Ailouros, you look tired. How late were you up?" Nico asked.

"All night," I replied smiling innocently.

"Ailouros you know that Percy, Chiron, and your dad told me to make sure you are in your bed by ten," Nico warned.

"It was my turn to stand guard and I wasn't tired so I took some of Halt's watch." I defended myself still grinning.

"Halt your married! How could you do this to Pauline?" Gilan teased.

Nico didn't get that it was a joke so he stepped up to Gilan and snarled, "You be nice to Ailouros or you'll regret it."

"Nico he was joking. That is Gian. He is the one training me to be a ranger." I said introducing him to the demigods.

"It's alright Nico. She's way too young for me. She's a good one though so you keep her but be careful she likes to play pranks with water." Gilan warned probably thinking of when I drenched him with the ocean.

"It was only a little water," I replied rolling my eyes.

"Oh, I was thinking about what you did to Artemis." Gilan smiled at the memory.

"Ailouros, what did you do to Artemis?" Nico asked uncertainly.

"It's not my fault she decided to annoy me." I defended myself.

"What did you do?" Nico persisted.

I shrugged "Blasted her with water."

Nico smiled, "Sas she drenched?"

I nodded.

"You would make your dad proud. I'm sure my dad would have loved to see that." Nico grinned. "Go to bed and get some sleep. I'll take watch."

"No, it's my turn to watch." Halt growled warningly. "I'm already up for my watch anyways."

Nico put his hands up in surrender. "Okay, you can take your watch.

Halt nodded then settled down for his watch.

Ailouros Tails book 3: Rangers TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now