Chapter 19~ Reunion

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I reached the shore not too long after Halt, Will, Malcolm, and the horses did. There was another girl with them that Halt was giving a tight hug... and crying?

The girl noticed me first. When I looked into her eyes I saw they were a similar dark brown as Halts.

"I'm Elliot. Who are you?" She asked.

"Ailouros Ocean," I replied looking at her. She was older than me by a year or two and about the same height as Halt.

"Kitty!" Will hollered and attempted to tackle me in a hug.

To avoid being crushed I ducked low at the last second. As will dashed past me clearly confused I hopped up and tackled him from behind in a tight hug. I let him go when he squeaked and we both laughed.

"Could you show me how you did that? It could be useful in combat." Halt said.

"Sure. I would love to. It's all about the timing." I started but stopped as I heard the slight whoosh of wigs. I looked up and saw a phoenix diving for Elliot. Instinctively I pushed her away from the path of the big fiery bird. Before I could duck down the bird grabbed my shirt and cloak in its talons and soared high.

"Kitty!" Will yelled from far below.

I looked down and saw that Araluens shore was a distant line on the horizon. There were no clues for them to follow. I was on my own.


The bird flew for about five hours oversea. It had picked me up around one or two pm and the sun was now on the horizon. I couldn't think straight for more than a few minutes at a time for some reason.

My stomach growled. I hadn't eaten since... When was the last time I had eaten..? I couldn't remember. My stomach roared like thunder. I was hungry. I tried to wriggle out of the bird's grip.

"Stop wiggling or I'll drop you into the sea of monsters." The phoenix threatened.

The air turned cold and I started to shiver. "Where are we going?" I asked with chattering teeth.

"My home. You'll be safe from... You'll be safe there." The bird replied.

"Where is your home?" I asked trying to distract myself.

"I shall not say for it could be harmful to your health if some knew where you were heading." The bird said.

"Is there anything I can have to eat?" I asked tiredly.

"I shall find something at my nest. We are nearly there." The bird murmured.

An inhuman screech sounded from behind us causing my hair to stand on end. The phoenix died straight dove straight down towards a structure that didn't look stable. I glanced back and saw the harpy gaining on us. It was a dark pink with crimson tints to its feathers. Its eyes were a startling scarlet red.

The truth was I was terrified. I was scared stiff.

The harpy raked its talons across the phoenix's back making it drop me. The Harpy switched to its true target, me.

Terror flashed through me and I instinctively became a half black and half white tiger. Growling I swiped my white forepaw at the harpy. It didn't have time to dodge my paw and in return, it got a deep scratch along its port wing. I battled the harpy back and didn't notice the Chimera coming at me from behind.

The snake bit my left-wing hard. I yowled furiously and after swiping my outstretched claws across the lion's head I slowly moved my way down retreating towards the ocean. I didn't care that it was the sea of monsters. I couldn't fight while flying with such an injured wing. I landed on a single solitary rock and winced when my left shoulder burned. I stood on my hind legs and fought off my two opponents as best as I could. In my mind, I tried to gain help from the water and then I had to fight back the currents from sweeping me away. With my attention stressed to the limit and my shoulder screaming for me to pay attention to it I was wearing down. Just as I was about to admit defeat I heard the phoenix call and the next thing I knew I was surrounded by multiple phoenixes fighting against the Chimera and the Harpie.

Ailouros Tails book 3: Rangers TrialsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon