Chapter 6~ Excuses

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Nico, Travis, and Conner had left around noon. I caught the glance Nico exchanged with Halt.

Amaterasu had calmed down after pouring the coffee Nico was going to have onto him.

After that Nico didn't reach for another cup of coffee and the Stoll brothers were wise enough to not reach for another cup for themselves.

Amaterasu had made Gilan promise to keep an eye on me or she would burn his slim frame to a crisp. She had headed off with Horace and Evanlyn back to the castle about ten minutes ago.

Halt was constantly watching me. He tried to not show it but I could tell he was keeping a close eye on me.

"So how long until we split off for our fiefs?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning. Unless Gilan decides to take the longer route." Halt answered.

Gilan shook his head. "No, Ailouros needs to work on her training sooner rather than later."

Halt nodded, "We can take the longer route to Redmond. It will be nice to visit Meric fief."

"Halt, doesn't Pauline want to see you? And won't Alyss want to see Will?" Gilan asked raising an eyebrow. Alyss had kept going when we stopped at the splitting area.

"Pauline and Alyss will be busy." Halt answered.

"With what?" Gilan asked curiously.

"With..." Halt stopped to think then snapped, "Why do you seem more interested in Pauline's work?"

"Why are you so determined to come with my apprentice and I to our cabin?" Gilan snapped back.

Halt glared at his former apprentice.

I rode ahead of the two arguing rangers and Will went in front of me to lead the way.


We reached the cabin just before dark. As soon as we finished up chores and dinner, I made coffee for the rangers and hot chocolate for myself.

"Ailokuros when you are done with your hot chocolate you need to get to bed." Halt said.

"I'm fine Halt. I'm not staying up that late again." I replied stubbornly.

Halt and I had a glaring contest that lasted for about four or five hours. Finally, Halt gave in with a sigh, "Fine, Don't blame me if you're tired tomorrow."

Gilan and Will jerked awake, "What happened? Who won?" Gilan asked.

"Well, it's time for me to get to bed," I said walking into my room, closing the door, and going to sleep.


I woke up well before the others and set out to hurry and get the chores done. I brought nine apples and gave each horse two apples. I had the last one for a snack.

When the sun came up I was inside heating up water. I put some water in a pot to make soup for breakfast.

About ten minutes later Gilan and Will rushed into the room. "Ailouros you're burning the water!" They cried.

Confused I stepped back from the stove. Will hurried over and put things for the soup in the water meanwhile Gilan took off the water for the drink.

While the two boys worked I grabbed my bow and arrows and slipped outside the cabin to practice.

I shot for a good hour or two before Halt exited the cabin.

I kept shooting faster and faster. Each hitting closer and closer to the center.

Ailouros Tails book 3: Rangers TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now