Chapter 18~ A Visit to Poseidon of the Past

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I opened my eyes when Lilac, who had somehow stayed with me even though I hadn't been holding her, spoke saying, "Ailouros get up your father is here"

"You're awake... and alive... How can you survive the heat?" Poseidon asked sounding a little disappointed.

I looked around and realized I was in the same room as I had been last time I was at my father's palace. "I'm used to the heat. So what did you wish to see me for?" I paused then added, "Father."

"I just want to try and figure you out... My kid who can turn into a cat, fly, withstand unbelievable heat, has water powers, and can speak with horses. It doesn't make sense." Poseidon answered.

"I'm your daughter who is friends with Bast and a child of Apollo who can become as hot as the sun," I replied with a shrug.

"Bast? Bastet? The Egyptian goddess of cats Bastet? She's a bit of a weirdo..." Poseidon murmured looking at me in confusion.

"Bast isn't a weirdo. She's no weirder than I am." I replied defensively.

"You are quite bold for a demigod. A female demigod nonetheless." Poseidon growled.

"Do you have a problem with girls?" I growled back narrowing my eyes.

"Your mother must be feisty. Why would I ever like someone with such a feisty tongue?" Poseidon sneered.

Thinking about my mom was kind of harsh, especially when I knew what she had done to protect me. I looked at the ground and shoved back the tears. My dad didn't need to see me crying. I knew it would upset him in my own time." If I'm here to talk about my mother then I'm leaving." I replied after a minute of silence.

Poseidon sighed, "Let's get you something to eat before you go." He turned towards the door to the Hall.

"It's much faster this way. You should know that..." I said pointing at the door that would lead through the forge.

"You can withstand that heat?" Poseidon asked skeptically.

"It isn't that hot. I've gone that way before." I replied proceeding to walk towards the door to the forge.

NO! You can't go in there." Poseidon said stepping in front of the door.

Confused I looked at him with my head tilted to the side. "Why not?"

Poseidon looked nervous. "Because it's a mess. You might get hurt." He answered swiftly.

I raised an eyebrow then gave him my best pleading kitten eyes. "Please daddy. I won't tell anyone."

Poseidon looked around as if he were expecting someone, or thing, to jump out. "How do I know I can trust you?"

"I'm trustworthy. I promise that I won't tell. Rangers word." I answered looking him in the eyes.

"You tell anyone, and I will not! I WILL NOT EVER, EVER TRUST YOU AGAIN OR HELP YOU!" Poseidon growled in warning.

"Very well," I replied with a nod in understanding.

"Close your eyes and I'll guide you in. I'll let you know when you are allowed to reopen them." Poseidon said suddenly.

I closed my eyes and sharpened my other senses. I heard the door open. Poseidon gently led me forward. I listened and heard the door shut. I was lead to the left but the door out was straight across... I thought hard, Wasn't the supply closet to the right... or was it left? My stomach growled hungrily.

I didn't realize that the moment my stomach growled Poseidon had opened another door. I kept going a few paces then opened my eyes wide as I nearly fell into a deep pit. I recognized the pit almost immediately. "Tartaros," I whispered. My eyes darkened with anger. "You were trying to toss me into TARTARUS?!" My voice raised in my disbelief. I spun towards my father. "I'm leaving. Goodbye." I said calmly then walked back out towards the door and didn't look back. I saw the starts of Riptide and passed them without seeming to glance at it. I walked right out of my dad's palace and almost ran right into Poseidon's wife Amphodite.

She looked at me and her eyes softened. "Why the tears dearest girl?"

I hadn't realized that I had been crying until she had asked. "It's nothing..." I replied softly and wiped my tears dry. I felt slightly crushed on the inside. The one who was my father had just tried to toss me aside like I was only another broken piece of a game.

"Girl... Daughter come back here!" Poseidon yelled.

I hadn't been yelled at by my dad before. He sounded furious. I tried to stop trembling.

"Sweety, what is your name?" Amphodite asked.

"Ailouros Ocean," I whispered.

"Don't worry Ailouros. My daughter." She said giving me a hug.

I caught a glimpse of Poseidon marching angrily over when Amphorite pulled me closer and gently stroked my hair with a soft and gentle touch.

"What did you do to her? She looks like she was just slapped by the kindest person she has ever known." Amphorite asked Poseidon.

"It doesn't matter what I did!" Poseidon snapped.

Her reply was just as sharp, "I forbid you from seeing her. I swear on the River S-"

I cut her off, "Please, not on the River Styx." I pleaded as I looked up at her with wide eyes.

She sighed and turned back to Poseidon, "I swear Poseidon if you hurt this child again I will swear on that cursed Riptide that you won't get to speak to her ever again! Only those who show her kindness hall speak with her.

"Why are you taking her under your wing? You hated all my children. What makes her any different from the others?" Poseidon demanded.

"Ailouros is faithful and trustworthy. I've watched over her because you wouldn't! You've been so busy with that cursed blade Riptide that you've abandoned her. You abandoned her when she needed help. Not me. She is too important." Amphorite said boldly.

Poseidon looked at her in shock. I glanced at him before Amphorite gently guided me away.

"Thank you..." I paused trying to think of what to call her.

"Mother." She replied gently.

"Thank you, mother." The word sounded right though unfamiliar on my tongue.

"Go on my child Ailouros. Your friends are waiting. The currents will be right at your side always." She said smiling softly at me.

I hugged her tightly before taking off into the water. I glanced back and waved at her as I left. I didn't see my father's glare.

Ailouros Tails book 3: Rangers TrialsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu