Chapter 3~ The Plan

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I woke up around eleven. Then I felt guilty for not waking up sooner. "Sorry, I overslept." I apologized and hurried to get to my chores.

"Ailouros your chores are already done. We took care of them for you." Evanlyn said from behind me.

"I should have gotten up earlier," I growled at myself.

"No, I'm glad you slept in. I actually requested that we let you sleep." Gilan said from next to me.

"Thanks." I murmured.

"How are you feeling now that you have had a good Knights sleep?" Will asked glancing at Horace who scowled at Will.

"I'm fine," I responded. I felt great. My sleep had been calm and peaceful.

Horace laughed. "Will she didn't get your joke. It seems as though you're not meant to be a Jongleur."

I narrowed my eyes monetarily. Then curiously I cocked my head to the side and waited for them to explain the joke.

"Knight with a K" Alyss whispered next to me.

I smiled slightly then rolled my eyes. "Typical boys," I whispered back.

"You're telling us." Alyss and Evanlyn replied cheerfully.

I smiled brightly as an idea occurred to me on how I could get back at the boys. I waved the two girls closer then whispered my plan. "We all use cloaks and unseen movement to disappear from sight for a few minutes. There is a river up ahead and while I dump water on top of their heads from the treses you two look confused about what's going on."

"Get Halt too." Evanlyn encouraged.

"Of course I will. You two and Amaterasu will stay dry. So will the horses." I added calmly.

We all laughed innocently as if we had just heard a good joke.

"What's the joke?" Gilan aksed.

Honestly, some boys are too curious for their own good. "What do you get when you put four ducks in a box?" I asked.

Gilan looked puzzled.

"A box of quackers," I said then laughed as Gilan looked confused. "A box of crackers, a box of quackers," I explained. Then when Gilan still looked confused I sighed, "Never mind."

"After lunch, we will head out." Halt said.

Did someone say lunch?" Horace asked suddenly.

"I can catch some rabbits, birds, or squirrels." I offered, eager to do something useful.

Halt nodded, "Will can make them into a soup. Go ahead."

I dashed off with my two knives attached to my belt and my cloak on. I returned with three plump squirrels and a rabbit. I took them to where Will was cutting up a sweet onion and some wild garlic.

He looked at the squirrels first."Nice, there is no mark. How do you do that?"

"A cat can do it," I replied handing over the rabbit.

"Ailouros come here. I have a joke for you." Alyss called. Evanlyn waved me over.

I dashed over eagerly. "What?"

"If Amaterasu wakes up before we leave, shell panic when you disappear from sight. She might go after coffee to search for you." Evanlyn pointed out.

"You two make sure she doesn't realize that I'm gone. If she goes after the coffee she may be out for longer than a day or two."

The two girls nodded and we split ways.

I went over to check on Amaterasu. She was awake and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "What's for lunch?" She grumbled.

Ailouros Tails book 3: Rangers TrialsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon