Chapter 1~ Wolfsbane

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"So, will you tell me now?" Scourge asked again. It had been about three weeks since I had rescued my friends and become captured myself. In those weeks I had been staying alive with the wit and courage of Karken. Every day they had been trying to get me to spill the location of the very guarded gathering grounds used by the Ranger Corps.

I'm sure my appearance was changed nearly beyond recognition. My blonde hair was matted and caked with dirt and grime from the cell floor and not having a way to brush through it. On top of that, I hadn't gotten much sleep because I hadn't been allowed much sleep.

My captors had tried every kind of torture that was legal. However, I remained stubborn. Karken visited me from my small window whenever the guard was napping, adding to my sleep deprivation. He kept giving me whatever spare water or food he could get. After explaining my allergies he was careful not to give me anything with wheat in them.

"Very well. If you won't talk then we'll leave you to think it over for a few more minutes and do keep in mind that we haven't gone into potions yet." Scourge said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I shrugged then was instantly hustled down the hallway, down the stairs, and into the dungeon. Once back in my cell I laid down and tried to conserve my strength. Karken hadn't been able to get away for a few days because Scourge was keeping a closer eye on him.

"Ailouros are you okay? What did he do to you?" I heard Karken's voice from outside my window.

Stiffly I got up and walked over to the window. "Where have you been for the last few days?" I asked sitting on the table that was by the window.

"I went hunting. You look like dad let his 'friend' get ahold of you." He said in concern.

"That's because that's exactly what he did." I murmured looking down at the interesting patterns of the wood beneath me.

"I found your friends. That Amaterasu character would have killed me if it weren't for Halts fast thinking." Karken said softly.

I looked up into his eyes. They were a pale sapphire blue.

"You look exhausted and there is something else that's different about you." He paused and looked me over. " Amaterasu says she has a plan."

"What plan?" I asked, leaning on the wall.

"All she would say about it was that it involved coffee." He looked confused.

"Coffee!" I said now wide awake. "Karken, coffee would make her extra hyper. She would literally be bouncing off the walls." I started pacing worry eating away my strength.

"Any ideas about what he was planning on doing to you next?" Karken asked worriedly.

"Potions," I responded looking up at Karken. I cocked my head curiously.

"You know you remind me of a cat. Especially when you turn your head like that. Potions can be dangerous."

The sound of a key entering the lock sounded suddenly.

"I'll be back a minute after you return," Karken whispered hurriedly before disappearing. Right, when he was out of sight the guard called Braken entered the room and escorted me back to the conference room that Scourge used. I was led to a chair and they tied me up. While they were tying my hands I tensed up the muscles in my arms and wrists. I looked up at Scourge and Feral.

Feral came forward with a small mixture.

Taking a deep breath I caught the scent of wolfsbane. It can be lethal to dogs and wolves. I don't doubt that it would be poisonous to cats. I growled deeply.

Ailouros Tails book 3: Rangers TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now