Chapter 21

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5 years later...

"It's almost done Mina. We just need to check the room's door from the second floor then we're good to open the resort next week."

Tzuyu said as we are having our meeting inside the conference room we built beside my office and hers.

We are business partners. I did the plans and she funded me. My savings aren't enough to build this resort since I wasted half of my money travelling around the world to forget.

"I'll do the checking. You go ahead and finalise the list of guests for the opening."

She nodded.

"We will also have a meeting later together with the staffs. I'll give final reminders and discuss some clauses from the contract."

She smiled at me. "You're always tensed Mina. Loosen up a bit. Your son's gonna be like you." She teased me.

I made a face. "And your son is also becoming like you Tzu. I just hope Sana could change that kid."

Tzuyu burst out laughing. "You got it wrong, that kid is actually becoming like her mommy. They're both hard-headed."

I just shook my head. I dismissed the meeting and went straight to my office. I called my mom to check on my son.

"He's now sleeping honey. He was so tired doing some colors on my book. This kid is gonna be an artist, I tell you."

I smiled sadly and drop the call.


I remembered her. She would have been a great artist now if she wasn't involved on that accident.

I wiped the tears that escaped from my eyes. It's already been five years and yet I still can't forget her. I even had a son that looked like her. And now he's starting to show a promise of becoming an artist. He's exactly like Chaeyoung. It's like he's our son that she left on me.

"How can I forget you Chae? Should I?"

I asked on thin air as I rested my head on my chair and closed my eyes.

"Let me welcome you all to our pride. Chaemin Beach Resort is now open. Please enjoy everyone."

I announced as I cut the opening ribbon together with Tzuyu.

All of the guests clapped as we walked inside.

We spent the entire morning attending and talking to our guests. Some of them already booked a reservation for a vacation or company's team outing.

"Ms. Mina. We are already fully-booked for the next two months." My manager happily announced it to me after the guests left.


She nodded. "Thanks. Great job. You can now take a quick break. Tell the other staff's as well."

She smiled and nodded then left.

I walked towards the table where the others are.

Dahyun and Momo are seated together on the other side. While Sana is holding their son and Tzuyu is holding mine. I went to her and took my son.

"How's my baby?" I baby talked him. He just made a face and looked away from me.

Dahyun laughed. "Your son is really like Chae. So sno- aww. Aww!" Dahyun grunted in pain as Momo pinched her sides.

I smiled at them. My best friend married Chae's best friend. They looked good together.

"You really haven't changed Dahyun. You're mouth still doesn't know how to use brakes."

Tzuyu commented.

Dahyun gave me a peace sign. "Sorry Mina."

"That's fine. It's not like mentioning her name is a taboo. You're all her friends, you can talk about her anytime you want." I said.

They all looked at each other and smiled awkwardly at me.


My son uttered. I froze upon hearing that. I looked at him and he stared back at me.

"Who's Chae Momma?" He suddenly asked without a stutter.

The table fell silent.

Tzuyu then saved me, she took my son from my arms and answered his question for me.

"Chae is someone we all loved. Specially momma. She loved Chae so much that she named you after her, Chaemin."

My son nodded and looked at me.

"I love you too, so much momma." He said as he gestured to come back to me and let me carry him again.

I smiled and embraced my son. All of my friends looked at us, sharing the same smile I have.

"Ma'am, the paintings that Ms. Chou ordered is already here."

One of my staff from the lobby called me via intercom and informed me about it.


"Yes ma'am. Ms. Tzuyu ordered it according to the delivery man."

"Okay. Then tell Tzuyu about it." I said.

"But Ms. Chou is out ma'am. I called her already and she told me to have you sign the papers instead."

I stopped writing. "Alright, then send the papers in."

"Right away ma'am." End of call.

I sighed. That Tzuyu didn't even tell me about those paintings. What are those for by the way? We already decorated the hallway with some local souvenirs and sculptures.
The rooms are also well decorated already.

Well, I'll have to talk to her about it later.

My staff then knocked and came in together with the delivery guy. I took the receipt and signed.

As I looked the name of the gallery of where these paintings are from, I noticed it's weird name.


No one's? That's odd. Are their pieces good? Well, it's not my problem. Tzuyu purchased this. It's on her if the paintings are bad.

I took a break and went outside for awhile. I noticed my staff crowding around to something. They noticed me walking towards them so they scattered around right away and went back to their stations.

I shook my head. I won't be scolding them for slacking off though. All of the guests are almost resting, they don't need to be so tensed around me.

I then finally saw the thing they're looking at earlier. I guess it's one of the paintings that Tzuyu bought.

I stared at it. The piece looked...sad. It's like the artist is longing for someone. As I stared more into the painting, I feel like I am being dragged inside.

"Is the painting really that beautiful for you to shed tears?"

Tzuyu's voice suddenly spoke beside me.


I touched my cheeks and it's wet. I was crying?

I quickly wiped my tears and looked at her. "Where did you buy this? Are you sure the gallery is legit?"

Tzuyu chuckled. "Of course, silly. I know the person who owns it. Though, he's not telling me who's the artist. That old man is determined to keep the artist's identity hidden."

"Why?" I can't help but ask.

She just shrugged her shoulders. "No idea."

I looked back to the painting.

"You can have it if you want Mina. You looked like you fell in love with that piece."

"I won't decline." I said while still staring at the painting.

I heard Tzuyu chuckled and tapped me in the shoulder before walking towards her office.

She's right. I fell in love with this painting.

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