Chapter 22

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Marshall’s P.O.V

I sat on top of the bench in my dressing room, munching on an apple. I was nervous, and fidgeting with my jacket in frustration. Why does it need to be the last night of this tour? I am so happy doing this tour, being with Miranda, and I couldn’t imagine going home for two months and keeping quiet. Even though I will be with Miranda, I still will miss the fun times we had travelling and performing around the world.

I hope tonight goes well, and I hope Miranda likes her surprise. And yes, everybody knows about this. I just hope they don’t tell her.

I stood up and glanced at my watch. An hour to go until the concert starts. As I was strolling out of my dressing room to find Paul, I almost forgot. I quickly whizzed to the table and chucked my apple away. I took the little velvety box and shoved it in my pocket as I ran out the door.


“FIVE MINUTES TILL STAGETIME, HURRY UP PEOPLE” Some guy called backstage. Five minutes until our last concert started. In my hometown. With my family watching. Wow! Feels amazing to know how far I’ve gotten in my career, and life in general. Everybody was running around backstage as the crowd cheered like crazy waiting for the concert to start. Marshall came up to me with two microphones in hand. He passed one to me and gave me a kiss. He looked so comfortable. I was nervous. We stepped onto the edge of the platform, ready to emerge onto stage. This is the last time I’ll ever get to do this on tour, and I’m gonna make it good.

“HELLO PERTH!” I Shouted. The crowd screamed really loud. I could see thousands of people holding up their phones, lazers, fluoro flashing light sticks, posters and just their hands in the air. Somehow I could spot my mom and sister up the front waving to me. I waved back.

“I AM SO EXCITED TO PERFORM FOR YOU TONIGHT, I LOVE YOU!” I said through the microphone as everybody cheered in happiness. They all know that Perth is my home, and that I am so excited to be here for once in three years.

We started off with singing, Together, which was a huge hit. We moved on to playing some other songs we made together in our album and a few of our own hits. Em performed Loose Yourself, Mockingbird, Rap God and The Real Slim Shady, and I followed after performing four of mine.

About three quarters into the concert, we had a ten-minute break. Marshall and I hopped of stage sweating and panting like pigs, and two people ran up to us handing us water and mints.

“You did wonderful so far” Marshy said, giving me a kiss. Soon enough, it was time to go on stage again. Marshall started to look a little bit nervous, and starting sweating more and shaking. Just as we were about to go back on stage, he shoved his hand in his pocket, fiddled for a second and took his hand out. He gave me a ‘why are you looking get away’ face, and I asked him.

“Marshy, are you okay?”


“You seem nervous more than usual. Are you sure?”

“I’m sure honey.”

He leant over and gave me a kiss.

Then I remembered.

What is this surprise?

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