Chapter 13

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I slowly started to wake up, opening my eyes slowly to see I was lying in some sort of hospital bed, with titanium-white sheets and a soapy smell in the air.

 Nobody was in my room, not even a nurse. I slowly gazed around to see all these different machines and tables and things you would see in a hospital room.

I closed my eyes again to have a little rest, my body still ached and I felt a better than I did last night.

Last night!

I just remembered what happened. We were in the middle of the concert when I started feeling nauseous and fainted in front of the whole crowd.

Great! Now it’s going to be all over social media!

I wondered how much time I have been in this bed for, what happened to me after I fainted on stage.

 Suddenly I heard a bunch of women’s voices start talking outside my room, and then the opened the door and came into my room.

“Honey, are you alright? Are you feeling better?” One of them asked me.

“Y-y-yesss” I groaned. I closed my eyes again and I could hear them chatting away about some medical stuff and fiddling around with some stuff in my room.

“You’ve been in here for two days. It’s now 10am on Tuesday” One of the ladies said to me. Dammit! I must have missed my other concert!


After what seemed like a couple of hours, I heard a knock on the door. One of the nurses that was still in my room walked up to the door and opened It to check who it was.

I heard the sound or Marshall’s voice faintly and realized he came to visit me.

He walked in and then nurse shut the door, and went back to her business, letting Marshall and I have a moment to ourselves.

“Hey” He whispered to me. “Hey, what’s up” I whispered back. “Nothing much. We cancelled the other concert, sadly. I’ve just been hanging around here with Ash and Paul for the past two days” He told me.

“Oh… I feel so much better now, I wanna get out of here and go back to performing” I said to him. He leant down and gave me a long, smooth kiss on the lips. We smooched for about 2 minutes, until the nurse came up to us to tell us something.

“Guys, I have something to tell you” She said, walking towards us, watching us finish kissing. How embarrassing!

“ Miranda Bradley, you are free to leave the hospital now.” She told us. I Can’t explain the joy I felt when she said that!

“What even happened to her though? Did she have some sort of sickness or what, do you guys know how she fainted?” Marshall asked as I got out of the bed.

“No, she wasn’t sick, she just had a bit of a fever that night and was very hot and overwhelmed. She should be fine now!” The nurse replied.

Looks like im getting out of this place!

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