Chapter 20

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Marshall’s P.O.V

“Honey! Honey! Wake uuuuuppppp!”

I was trying to wake up Miranda. It was bright outside, the birds were chirping and everyone in Perth were already awake!
“Whaaat?” She said in a grumpy voice. She had a big yawn and stretched her arms out wide.

“It’s 10 O’ Clock! You have been sleeping for ages!” I exclaimed. Her eyes suddenly shot wide open.

“Shit! We are supposed to be to my parent’s house at 10:30!”

She bolted up and started running around, frantically trying to find something to wear.

“Miranda, take a chill pill, everyone’s ready, the van is waiting outside, and I’m ready as well. There is nothing else to worry about!” I said calmly, waltzing over to her. I gave her a long, big kiss on the lips. It felt good to kiss her again in private.

But the kissing went on forever. We smooched for a few more minutes, which felt like hours. Her lips tasted like cherries, and were as smooth and soft as they had ever been before.

“Okay, Marhsy” She whispered with a smile, pulling back.

“I gotta get ready now”

She spent the next 20 minutes getting dressed while I just sat on the bed, texting.

Paul: Hey man where the fuck u at??? We r waiting for u! We r meeting Miranda’s parents aren’t we? Is she ready yet?

Me: Dude, she is getting ready! Get your impatient ass in the van and wait for us! We’ll be a minute douchebag

Paul: hahahahahaha K hurry the fuck up then man

“I’m ready!” She exclaimed, hopping out of the bathroom. She looked beautiful! She was wearing a mint green skater dress, with some plain white heels, which looked good on her.

“Miranda you look so good” I said to her. “Thanks! Now let’s go..” She exclaimed. “Yeah, everyone’s waiting for us…” I said as we walked out the hotel room.


The taxi pulled up to my parent’s house. I hadn’t been there in years, and it was a big shock for me to finally see it once again. It didn’t look any different though, the same pond out the front, roses and plants growing around. It was a quite a nice big house, and I enjoyed growing up there.

“Oh my gosh!” I said as we got out of the car.

“I can’t believe we are finally here! After all these years…”

I had texted my mom a few weeks before telling her that I would be coming for a tour to Australia, and I would be visiting her in Perth.

Knock Knock Knock

Marshall knocked on the door while Paul, Ash and I were waiting behind him.

There was some fumbling at the door knob, and I also heard a couple familiar voices go ‘Ssshhh’.

Suddenly, the door swung open.


My mouth dropped as I looked at nearly everyone I had ever known standing right before me. Inside the house were my mom, dad, sister, two brothers, aunties, uncles, grandparents, cousins, family friends, neighbours, work friends, and my best friends.

“Oh my gosh! Is this real life right now?!” I screamed, as I stepped towards my mom and gave her a big hug.

“I haven’t seen you guys in ages!” I said giving everyone a hug.

We all walked in, the four of us, and everyone basically spent 10 minutes doing a meet-and-greet as we made our way to the living room.

In the middle of the (huge) room was a long table full of food and drinks, and balloons, and a sign saying Welcome Home Miranda! was hanging from the ceiling.

“Everyone,” I stated, as everybody went quiet, looking at me.

“I am so happy to be here and I have missed you all! Thank you so much!”

Everyone cheered.

“Oh, and this is my boyfriend, as you’ve figured, Marshall, AKA the great rap god Eminem” I said with a smile, as Marshall waved to everyone.

“And these are our managers, who come everywhere with us, Ash and Paul, who are ALWAYS talking to each other, they are the best of friends!”


Marshall’s P.O.V

Even though I had to sit there and chat with her whole family for ages and receive a handful of different comments about my music, it was great!

Ash and Paul had surprised Miranda’s mom, dad, sister and two brothers with front row seats to tonight’s concert at the stadium! They were all thrilled!

I have something special planned for Miranda tonight, and it will be a shock to everyone… I just need to hope that everything goes well.

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