Chapter 16

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“Yo, everybody, I just wanted to say how much I had fun last night” Marshall said through the microphone. The whole Italian crowd were screaming and cheering, and I could see everyone was having a fun time.

“GRAZIE PEOPLE OF ROME!” I shouted through the microphone and everyone cheered even more.

The concert went really well, and the crowd loved us. As I said before, everything this year has been running smoothly since the first concert I did in California and I fainted.

I walked over to Marshall on the stage and gave him a hug and waved to the crowd.

Both of us where very hot and sweaty from the stage, since it was like a furnace up here when you performed!

“CIAO ROME!” We both screamed through our microphones, and then we gave each other a long kiss in front of the crowd.


I nuzzled up to Marshall and almost fell asleep on the jet as we were flying to Sydney, Australia in the middle of the night.

I was tired, since it was 12:30am and I had just finished my last concert in Europe.

“Baby” He whispered and twirled my hair around his finger softly. “Am I going to meet your family?”

“Yes, you are. I miss them so much though. It will be the first time I will see them in like three years” I whispered back with my eyes closed.

“Well, I can’t wait to do a concert in your hometown” He whispered back as I fell asleep on his shoulder.

We got to Sydney a day and a bit later, since it takes ages to get from Italy to Australia. I stood up when the plane had landed and took a long, stretch. My back ached and I felt like sitting back down again but I had to grab my bags and go with everyone else.

“Thank you so much I enjoyed the ride” I said with a smile to the pilot as I walk out of the jet down the stairs.

As I walked outside and stepped on the ground, I took a moment to stand there in the sunlight, close my eyes and take everything in. It had been three years since I touched this Aussie ground, and I was glad to be back in my home country.

I thanked God for everything that has been happening lately. My rise of fame, the tour I was on, the new boyfriend I had, and much more.

It’s pretty surprising how I have gotten this big and famous, without selling my soul to the devil. All I have done this whole time was just pray to God, and he has given me what I have wished for my whole life.

“Wow! It’s hot!” Marshall said as he came up next to me squinting his eyes.

“Well, you aren’t from here, and I guess your not used to it. I am, I mean, I’ve been living in these conditions most my life!” I exclaimed.

The four of us travelled on our tour van to the Arena we were going to be playing in. When I got there, I walked through the arena, past all of the stage people setting everything up, and the other busy directors on my own to the backstage area, into my dressing room.

“ Miranda!” Tahlya and Anita greeted me at the door with a big hug.

“How did you guys get here?” I asked, for once actually wondering how all these backstage people that come on our tour get around.

“Well, we take a different jet to your guys” Anita said. I walked over to the bench top where my coffee was sitting (since I had ordered it beforehand) and took a sip of it and walked over to the couch and sat down.

“Girl, we need to start on your makeup, the shows starts in like five hours!” Tahlya said, patting the seat where I had to sit in front of the make up table.

“Yeah but I am just taking a nap…” I said and dozed off.


Marshall’s P.O.V

“Dude,” Paul said and put his hand on my shoulder. “You enjoyin’ the tour?”

“I sure am!” I replied.

It was 3 hours to go until the show started and I was standing on the stage casually and going through my lines when Paul came up to me.

“HEY LARRY! CAN WE GET A SOUND CHECK AND HEAD SET FOR MARSHALL?” He shouted to one of the backstage men.

“W-what are you doing man?” I asked him. “I want you to practice Rap God for us” He said smiling and Larry came up to me and handed me a headset and gave me the thumbs up as he walked off.

I put the headset on and music started blaring through the speakers.

“We all want you to rap the fast part for us!” Paul said.

Well, here it goes.

“Uh, sama lamaa duma lamaa you assuming I’m a human
What I gotta do to get it through to you I’m superhuman

Innovative and I’m made of rubber

So that anything you say is ricocheting off of me and it’ll glue to you

I’m never stating, more than ever demonstrating

How to give a motherfuckin’ audience a feeling like it’s levitating

Never fading, and I know the haters are forever waiting

For the day that they can say I fell off, they’d be celebrating

Cause I know the way to get ‘em motivated

I make elevating music …”

“”Woohoo!” Paul shouted, clapping his hands as the music stopped. Somebody suddenly wrapped their arms around me from behind. I swung around and saw Miranda and I gave her a big hug.

“Well, well, well! That’s was super amazing!” She said, giving me a kiss. She’s heard me rap it live before, but not as good as this.

Love Or Friendship?(Eminem Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें