Chapter 18

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“Yeah! That sounds great!” Marshall said into his phone as we sat down in the jet seats, ready to go. He was talking to his friend James that he reunited with the other day at the meet and greet.

He hung up as we were taking off, ready to go to Perth. “Im so excited to go to Perth!” I said. “I am too!” Paul told me, and Ash and Marshall agreed.

The ride wasn’t too long, and on the way there I was thinking about how much fun I had over the past few months. The tour was nearly over, since we only had Perth to go until it finished.

“So how many concerts are we doing in Perth, and when, again?” Marshall asked. I was just about to say that!

“Well, you have got one concert tonight, at the Perth arena,” Ash said. I remembered when I was a kid Perth Arena getting built, and I even went to concerts there. It’s hard to believe that I was soon going to be PERFORMING there!

“And then you will have like, half a day after that to do sightseeing and free stuff, and then that last night you’ll be performing again at NIB stadium!” Paul finished off.

“Sounds good!” Marshall said. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back to playing on my phone.


“I am so happy to be here!” I exclaimed as we made our way backstage in Perth Arena. It was in the afternoon, and the concert was going to start in three hours.

“Yeah…” Marshall said, looking a bit anxious. There was something going on with him, I didn’t know what.

He quickly scattered off to his dressing room after giving me a hug, and I entered mine.

“Hey Anita! Where’s Tahlya?” I said to Anita as I walked in giving her a quick hug. “She’s just getting your make – up ready! She’ll be here in a sec” She replied.

I sat down on the chair and started nibbling on a toasted sandwich I had ordered. I was a little nervous for tonight, I have to perform in front of the people from probably my own town, and I hoped that I’ll do extra good.

After about 10 minutes, Tahlya walked in and she started on my makeup while Anita was wheeling in the rack of clothes I was going to wear for the concert.

“So, are you excited for tonight?” Tahlya asked me. “I sure am! Tomorrow I am going to visit my family, for the first time in like three years! Marshall is coming too!” I told her.

“Well that’s good!” She replied, brushing my face with some pinkish – coloured blush.

After about an hour in my dressing room, talking about girl stuff and getting me ready, I went outside and went to go sit down with Ash who was writing on a notepad on the edge of the stage.

“Watcha doing?” I asked him, sitting down cross-legged next to him. “Just writing some stuff down for tomorrow…” He trailed off.

“ For some reason Marshall has been acting a little weird lately. Since we got off the plane and he pulled you over to the side to talk to you, he seems a little anxious or something!” I said.

Ash put down his notebook and pen and looked at me in the eye and gave me a grin.

“Don’t you worry,” He said.

“Everything’s gonna be fine after tomorrow”


Marshall’s P.O.V

I was sitting in my chair, talking to Paul when I felt a sudden rush of anxiety. I started to sob quietly and rub my eyes, as he came over and gave me a man hug.

“Im just so worried about tomorrow night!” I spat out.

“Don’t worry dude. I think she will like it. She loves you and you know it. You got to believe in yourself that everything will turn out okay, because it will. Everything will be great!”

He comforted me.

“I know, but she might not like it!” I sobbed, putting my head in my hands.

The show was going to start in an hour, and I hadn’t talked to Miranda since we got here. I was way too anxious, every time I saw her since the other day when I made the big decision, I have been worried that she might not accept it tomorrow night. I’ll just have to wait and see. I mean I love her so much and I think she loves me, so I hope it works out.

I made my way outside to where Miranda was sitting with Ash on the side of the stage. I saw the back of her head, her wavy ombrè hair over her light blue dress, which looked perfect on her, and even better since light blue is my favourite colour. As I was walking across the stage to her, I felt as if I was distracted by everything else. Everything seemed mute, and I wasn’t focussing on anything else, only Miranda.

I suddenly bashed into some backstage guy carrying a huge ladder across the stage.

“Ow! FUCK!” I screamed. He hit my with his ladder in my stomach and it hurt like hell.

“Hey Yo! Watch where your going man! That was your damn fault!” He screamed back at me, giving me an angry face as he walked off.

“Baby!” Miranda said rushing towards me giving me a hug.

“Are you alright? That bitch…” She said, looking at the man as he was walking off the stage.

“I’m alright baby, it kinda hurt for a minute though” I said, clenching my stomach as I walked over to the side of the stage and sat down.

I rested my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes for a bit.

“Are you nervous or something?” She asked me.

“Yeah, I actually am a little bit…” I told her. She gave me a kiss and hugged me for what felt like forever. Then we heard Paul scream out to us from the control booth at the front of the arena, “Guys! It’s time! You better go backstage because the people are gonna start rolling in in about ten minutes!”

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