Chapter 5

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“And here we are!” I exclaimed, as Marshall and I walked inside my Californian home.

I led him to my bedroom, and he plunked his bags on the floor and jumped on the bed, ruining my perfectly made sheets.

“ Marshy, you little silly!” I said with a grin. I jumped on the bed as well. He looked over to me and asked me a question. “Can I sleep in here tonight?”

Oh my gosh! Thoughts started rushing through my head, I didn’t know whether to make him sleep with me or in the spare room.

 I know we kissed and all that, but does he really want to take our friend relationship further?

 I mean, I seriously wouldn’t mind, but, if we did sleep together and then start dating, would we really want the media to know?

 I want to date him, and I think he wants to date me, but what would all the fans, media and even haters think?

“Alright”. I finally made up my mind.

I mean if he sleeps in my bed that obviously means we are going to have it, no doubt.

We stayed up the rest of the night chatting by the TV. I cooked a nice spaghetti bolognese along with a nice wine I had been saving for a good moment.

We then stayed up to 11pm watching The Simpsons and talking about almost everything. It was almost like a date, but at home.

The surprising thing is that Marshall and I have a lot in common, we both are left handed, both blued eyed, both naturally brunette, and then of course more stuff than just physical features like our likes and dislikes!

As Marshall was taking a shower (in my bathroom!) I sat on the side of the bed in my PJs already, just thinking about our relationship.

I think I’ve fallen in love with him, I think we are right for each other.

But if we become boyfriend and girlfriend and all that, where would we live?

In Detroit or California? How will we go on tours and shows and still live together and all that?

 I wonder if one day we even get married?

What will the media do if they find out?

Im starting to over think and stress to much, so I layed down on the bed just as Marshy opened the door to my room in his PJs, ready for sleep.

“Watcha Doing?” He asked me as he lied down. “Over thinkin” I told him. “Don’t worry, I used to do that all the time” he said to me, and I felt a little better.

We lied in silence for a few minutes, until he moved, wrapping his arms around me, and dragging me in.

I gave him a kiss, which quickly turned into a full on make out session!

He pulled my pajama shirt up and over my head, and started undressing me. He then undressed himself until we were both nude…

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