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Normally on Saturdays, both of my parents would be working. Not that I minded. My parents weren't like the ones who work nonstop, not caring for their kids. They cared about me, and it was painfully obvious. They only worked for me, not to avoid me. So I was used to being by myself on Saturdays, and didn't mind a bit. I enjoyed having days where I could be alone, and I think everyone needed to. I could be myself.

(luke sounds like a dick in this so much he just doesn't kno better tbh)

You're yourself when you're with Michael.

I ignored that thought, and started loading the dishwasher.

After awhile, my phone rang. Guessing it was my mom, I answered without looking to see who it was.

It was my girlfriend.

"Hey, Luke," She says, breathless. "You should have woken me up last night."

I continue loading the dishwaser, contemplating my next words. 

"I'm sorry," was all I said. 

"It's fine." She pauses, and I can imagine her shaking her head as she often did. "What time did you leave?"

"I don't really remember." I tell her truthfully. I was so busy with Michael, I didn't pay that much attention.


It seemed like our conversations weren't going anywhere anymore. They weren't as personal as they used to be. They were boring. They weren't the kind of conversations a boyfriend has with his girlfriend.

"Would you mind if I came over?" She asks suddenly. I wanted to say no.

I really did.

I liked spending my Saturdays alone, in my batman pajamas, and watching tv. I didn't want to spend it with anyone.

But I felt like I owed this to her. I have no idea why. I guess I wasn't as good of a boyfriend as I could be, and that was unfair to her.

"Yeah." I answer, as I finished loading the dishwaser, and started it. "I'll see you."

I waited for Autumn to arrive, while turning on the television to see if there was anything good to watch.

About twenty minutes later, I was immersed in an episode of teen titans (my fav show omfg), when she walked through the door.

We had been dating for so long, we didn't really bother knocking anymore. Some people thought that was rude, but I couldn't honestly care less. Neither did Autumn. At least there was some way we were alike.  

"Hey, babe." She walks in, a smile on her face, and her cheeks blushed. "How are you?" 

I shrugged. 

Autumn didn't really pay a lot of attention to my answer, and came closer, settling down next to me on the couch. 

"So what are your plans for tonight?" 

"I didn't really have anything planned." 

My girlfriend rests her head on my shoulder, sighing. I couldn't tell if that was good.

"We should talk." She finally says, after a few moments of silence.


She sits up, serious.

"Okay, so please don't get mad." She doesn't give me a chance to say anything else, launching into what she obviously had been thinking about for awhile. "I just feel like we don't really do anything anymore, I feel like you don't try as hard as you used to in our relationship an-"

"You're really busy with school too, you know." I point out, automatically trying to defend myself.

"I was just about to say that." She rolls her eyes, running a hand through her hair as she thought. "Anyways, and between me being busy with school, we just don't really do anything anymore. And that's not neccesarily our fault, but I feel like we could both try a little more in this relationship. We've been dating for awhile, and for awhile it was all good, but now we are so boring. There's not really anything there."

I thought about this. It sadly was true, and for once it occured to me that a lot of this was my problem too. If I wanted to keep dating her I had to try harder. 

"I don't really know if I'm making any sense, but I guess that's just how I feel. We're both at fault here."'

I ignored this. I did have to try harder, but lately there seems to be no point. Did I even really like Autumn? Did I want to keep dating her?

I mean, I did like Autumn. She's pretty, and smart, and usually nice, and can be needy, but then again, I figured most girls were. I really did like her. 

"Luke?" She asks, looking worried. "Are you upset? I'm so sorr-"

"No, you're fine." I said, shaking my head. "You're right. I have been a bad boyfriend, and I should try harder. I'm sorry." I finally admit. 

She returns back to her earlier position, her head resting against my shoulder. "I mean, we don't have to keep dating if you want. If there's someone else. Or you just don't really feel attracted to me. I know that sounds crazy, but I would try to understand. Doesn't mean I wouldn't feel bad. But I would understand.

That made me feel even worse about my worries.

"No." I say simply. 

"Okay, good." She lets out another sigh. "I was worried." 

"Anyways," She continues. "We should do something. Go get something to eat, or hang out. I Don't know. I miss doing that."


"I was planning on studying tonight, but I can cancel?" 

I nodded. 

"I'll think of something." I tell her.

It all felt alright then. I ignored my hesitations, and just let it be okay for once. 

After an hour, Autumn announced that she had to go, and left, but not before kissing me softly. 

She wasn't gone for more than fifteen minutes, when someone else knocked on the door. Whoever knocked wqas obviusly impatient, knocking repeatedly for the whole minute it took for me to get to the door.

I was surprised to see Michael, when I answered. Wasn't he grounded?

So much for my peaceful Saturday. And I still had a date to plan.

"Luke." He says simply, rushing in, his cheeks bright red. I noticed he wasn't wearing his glasses.

"Aren't you-"

"Yes. My mom was gone, so I came here as quick as I could." 

He looked nervous.



hahahahah i'm laughing bc of what happens in the next chapter 


had 2 get that out  :-) 

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