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  Sure enough, Autumn did fall asleep. I waited until her eyes fluttered shut for good, and untangled my limbs from her, and let myself back outside. It was Saturday night. I couldn't spend it with my sleeping girlfriend. Which sounded so shitty, but she was asleep. I had done my part, and didn't want to spend the rest of my night bored out of my mind while she slept.

I actually had no idea how to spend my night though. I could go to another party, but unfortunately I had no idea if one was actually going on, or if I wanted to. 

Once I arrived home, I unlocked the front door, and let myself into the dark house. I didn't bother turning on the lights, figuring I could make it to my room, and I didn't notice the dark lump resting on the dining room floor.  Of course, I tripped over the lump, falling on my face, and waking up the lump, which turned out to be my dog, Molly. 

The barking started immediately, as I was left trying to get myself back up. Seeing me, Molly rushed over.

"Hey, Molly." I whispered, scratching the dark dog behind her ears, and smiling to myself. I then lead the puppy over to her dog bed, which rested in the corner of the room. I rarely saw Molly, so I couldn't help but pat her on the head one last time, as I left the room. 

I quietly walked to my bedroom, making sure to not wake my mom up. It's not like she wouldn't care that I was up, she just worked a ton, and I didn't want to interrupt her sleep. 

Once I was in my room, and could safely flick on the light, I flopped onto my bed, and already had my phone out. I scrolled through the contacts quickly. I didn't know who I wanted to talk to. I just wanted to make plans for tonight. I couldn't be alone. 

I just didn't like it. I always preferred being around people. I felt so much more comfortable. Often, it didn't matter who i was around, as long as I wasn't alone.

I saw I had a text from Michael, before settling on anyone.

michael (8:53)

how is it going with autumn?? nd sorry my mom was so rude earlier.

I quickly texted back that I wasn't with Autumn anymore, and that it was alright.

I got another reply a few minutes later.

michael (8:58)

oh. and have u seen my bag? idk i lost it a bit ago and can't find it ://

I didn't bother texting him back.  I knew what I was going to do tonight. Instead of answering him, I dialed in his number, and waited patiently for him to pick up.

After a few seconds, that seemed to be much longer than they actually were, he picked up.

"Hey Luke." He said, sniffling. "Have you seen my bag?"

I thought about it for a second. 

"No." I said truthfully. "Do you think you could get out of the house tonight?"

"I can't." He said, almost immediately. "I'm grounded."

"Okay." I nodded. That made things harder. "I can still get you out. But why are you grounded anyways?"

"I don't really want to go out anyways." He answers, avoiding my question. "I just feel like staying home and playing Borderlands, and drinking hot chocolate alone."

"Are you in a lot of trouble?" I ask, knowing he didn't really want to be sitting at home.

"Not really. I think she's just having trouble adjusting to some things and she's stressed over it. It's no big deal."

"Okay. Anyways, no." I said again, knowing I wasn't going to let him stay home. I wasn't going to take his answer. "I'll be there soon."

 I could picture him sitting there, annoyed, pushing up his glasses that always seemed to be slipping down, and smiled. Tonight would be a good one. 

I told him to make sure he was ready, and that his window was unlocked.

His mom rarely came into his room. She honestly didn't care enough to, she trusted him.  So I didn't have to worry about that.

By the time I made it to Michael's, it was around nine thirty, and pitch black out. A bit of light peeked through the shades in Michael's window, as he pushed it aside to look at me. 

"Hurry up!" I yelled, watching as he slung his legs out the window. 

"My mom isn't asleep yet!" he says, warning me to be quiet. His dark lips mouthed numbers, as he prepared himself to jump down.

He landed with a thud, and not on his feet. I stood where I was, not thinking of helping him up, but waiting.

"Why are you grounded anyways?" I ask, once again, as he walked closer. I know he had answered me about it earlier, but I wanted more answers.

"I would rather not talk about it." He says, not looking at me, but at his feet.

"Is it because you skipped school?"

He scoffed. "No."

I grabbed his sweatshirt covered arm, and pulled him closer, as to lead him. I chose to walk tonight. Why not? It wasn't that bad out, and we should take advantage before it starts snowing.

"Where are we going?" He asks.

"You'll see." I tease, even though I didn't know myself. I thought I would do something spontaneous for once. I thought he would like it. I thought it would be fun. 

We continued walking, past the closed shops, fast food places, restaurants, my eyes dragging across the view, trying to decide what we were going to do.

"You know I would have been fine staying at home." He says, once again.

"I know. You always are." I roll my eyes.

"Anyways," He says, changing the subject. "How was it with Autumn?"

But I knew what we were going to do.

"Good," I mutter. Kind of boring, but it oculd have gone worse. We could have fought. It could have ended angrily. But it didn't. So I guess it counted. "Have you ever gone roller skating?"

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