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(by the way guys, Autumn is a bit annoying but she's not going to be bad in this story)


The metal bleachers were unnaturally cold today. That was new, for once. It was already October and it seemed like Ohio couldn't get any colder. I attempted to get settled comfortably, watching as the football team started practice.

I wasn't in football. But my friends were, and insisted I came to watch. Also, most of the time, my ride was on the football team. I didn't enjoy it much, but it was better than being at home. Normally, some of my other friends would come and sit with me, but due to the cold, today just wasn't one of those days. Honestly, I didn't feel the best today either.

I couldn't help but feel bad for the guys out there, as it was really cold. I didn't mind the cold, I actually like it, but they all just looked freezing. I watched boredly as they started running laps, wishing that I could go home. I contemplated calling my mom, but I knew she wouldn't like that a lot. The more I thought about how much I wished I could go home, the worse I felt. 

As practice went on, it only got colder and I only became more bored.  Eventually, about half way into the practice, I couldn't take it any more, and pulled out my phone.

I couldn't help tapping my foot quickly, waiting for Autumn to pick up. It took a few tries, but eventually she managed to pick up.

"Hello?" She questions. I could picture her on the other side, facial features crunched up as they always did when she was annoyed.

"Autumn, could you pick me up?" I ask. Silence. "I don't really feel that good and I don't want to wait until the end up practice.

More silence.

"Luke, I wish I could, but I'm in the middle of studying. You know, for that really big test coming up?The one you said you would help me study for?" As usual, she sounded annoyed. 

I had completely forgotten about the test. I also had forgotten about promising her I would help her study. 

"Shit-I'm sorry." I said quietly, waiting for her to answer. "I'll just call Michael." 

She mutters something before hanging up, and I'm left feeling even worse than before.

After calling my friend, who promised to pick me up in his mom's car, I headed to the front of the school to wait patiently for Michael. 

I normally loved the cold, but as crappy as I felt,  it only made things worse, and I was left to think about why i suddenly felt sick.

Before I knew it, a familair car parked in front of me, but it wasn't Michael's.

It was Autumn's.

"Get in, asshole!" She yelled out the car window, rolling her eyes.

"I thought you weren't going to pick me up?" I question, nonetheless grabbing my heavy bag and rushing towards her car.

"Do you ever listen?" She laughed, almost bitterly, locking the car door behind me. "I said at the end of the call that I would pick you up."

And with that, she started the drive to my house, and that was it. I was going home. 

I didn't remember to think about Michael, who had gone to pick me up.

I didn't think about him at all.


sorry this sucks! omg i am so excited for this you guys will love it i swear.

sorry it's so short!

vote, comment, and fan :-) ily all

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