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The next morning, I woke up with Autumn's head resting on my chest, laying on the plastic textured couch. We had fallen asleep in the hospital room.

I remember arriving there last night, seeing Autumn in a distressed state. I tried to explain to her that it really wasn't a big deal. Her mom wasn't even that badly hurt. She was leaving today. But Autumn had always been protective of her mom, and wouldn't calm down until I held her in my arms. Which I didn't mind. Her body was warm and familiar.

My back hurt, no doubt from the uncomfortable position I slept in. I checked the time, knowing I would have to get up. My mom was undoubtedly worried about me, as I said I would be home last night. It was eleven.  I tried to move out from under my girlfriend without waking her, sliding out from under her and onto the ground, hurting my knee in the process.

That was when I noticed the television was on. I looked up to see Autumn's mom sitting up in the hospital bed, her left leg in a cast. I stood up, straightening my clothes as I did so, muttering a greeting.

"Hey, Luke." She didn't sound surprised that I was sleeping there. She picked at a piece of soggy toast.  "How are you?"

"I'm good." I say simply, trying desperately to fix my hair. "I have to leave, could you tell Autumn?"

I contemplated darting into the bathroom to fix my hair before I left, but decided against it.

She nodded in reply, and I rushed out of the room. The hospital halls were empty, apart from a nurse wheeling a cart full of breakfast trays down the hall. I made sure I wasn't in her way as I continued down the hallway.

The fluorescent lights flickered as I waited for an elevator. I was on the second floor.  I ran a hand nervously through my hair once the doors opened, stepping in.

As I waited to reach to bottom floor, I pulled out my phone, seeing a few missed texts from my mom.

I opened it, my stomach dropping as I remembered my mom needed her car this morning.

I was running now, through the lobby, desperate to get to the car. I didn't bother checking the texts. I knew what they were about.

It only took a minute to get to the car, and another few seconds to start it, and I was gone. I knew what was waiting for me once I reached home.

I reached my home in about five minutes, already rushing inside, the keys clutched in my left hand. I knew I was in trouble when I saw my mom sitting at the table, a stern look on her face.

"I'm so sorry-" I start, only to be interrupted.

"Luke, save it." She says, standing up coldly. "You knew I had a meeting this morning. I just wish you would listen for once."

She wasn't usually like this. Only when she was angry at me, and that was never good.

"I know. I'm sorry." I say, rubbing at my tired eyes. "I feel bad enough." I say it as if it makes things any better. It doesn't.

I stand up, ready to go to my room, and possibly avoid the rest of our conversation. Maybe I could sleep a bit before I went out with Michael tonight.

"I hope you don't have plans tonight." She says as she walks towards the door. "You're going to stay here and get ready for school tomorrow. I'm sure you have homework."


Now it was my turn to sneak out. I hadn't told Michael about me getting in trouble, and I didn't plan on it. I could have canceled, and not go through all of this trouble. I had to go. But somehow, I felt like I owed this to Michael. I knew that I had been a bad friend lately. It was the least I could do, to make him happy.

My mom thought I was asleep, and I knew she wouldn't come in to check on me. All I had to do was not fuck this up. Which seemed to be something I was good at.

I looked at the ground below me. I couldn't quite tell how far below it was, but it wasn't exactly short.

I threw one leg over the window edge as gracefully as I could, holding on tightly. Then came the other leg. I held on with both arms, as I attempted to lower myself down.

It went fairly smoothly until I let go. That was when I fell the short height, and landed hard on my left leg.

A pained noise escaped my lips as I steadied myself. I tested my left leg, rolling around the ankle. It was slightly sore but I knew it wasn't hurt badly.

Since I couldn't take the car, I had to walk to his house, but that wasn't new.

Michael met me outside of his house, his jacket wrapped around his small body, and his cheeks a light shade of red. He had been outside for awhile, waiting for me.

We greeted each other, and set out to reach our destination. Michael didn't mind walking, he just seemed happy to be with me. I couldn't really disagree with that.

I wondered why I decided to do this tonight. We did have school tomorrow. But I figured that when I made plans with Michael, I didn't really want to put this off, and make him wait any longer.

We reached the roller skating place by 8:51, and got inside fairly quickly. Since it was a Sunday, the place was pretty barren. Michael seemed to like this even more.

Since the last time, we had both gotten a bit better at this. We skated slowly, side by side. I listened to Michael talk about an art project he needed to finish tonight.

I mainly listened. I figured that I could do that. When you got down to it, I didn't really have anything I could talk about. So I let Michael talk, and I listened.

It was 9:27 when we decided to take a break, and skated over to the concessions. Michael and I both ordered a soda and sat at a cushy booth.

Michael asked me how my night with Autumn went.

"It was okay. I pretty much kept her company, and then we slept on the hospital couch. I hated it actually."

Michael takes a sip of his soda, and fixes his glasses, which seemed to be constantly tipping down his nose.

"So everything is going good between you two now?"

I nodded.

"It's so hard hating her." Michael mutters. "She's too...innocent I guess. Too nice."

I sat there, unaware of what to say next.

Michael's cheeks were red again.

"And you guys are really happy together."


something big is going to happen in the next chapter I'm so excited omg

Hope everyone liked this! xx

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