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          "What are you doing?" Michael asks once I untangle myself. We were sitting on my bed now, him on my lap and our legs interwined.  We had been sitting here for about an hour, and my parents would be home any minute. But they were the least of my fears. 

I took a deep breath. 

"Going to Autumns." 

He widens his eyes and takes in  a shaky breath. 

"I thought-"

"Stop." I shush him, smiling. "It's not what you think."

He raises an eyebrow, questioning me. 

"Just trust me on this." 


Michael sat in his car, the heat blasting in his face, as I went inside.

I waited patiently for Autumn to answer the door, looking over my shoulder to smile at Michael.

I actually felt sick. I wanted to do this, but I was scared of her reaction.

I was, more or less, leaving her for a guy. It didn't matter that I had been having conflicted feelings for awhile, it was a shitty move. Autumn and I had been dating for awhile, but I didn't love her. 

She opened the door, her hair thrown up in a floppy bun and still in her pajamas. 

"Hey,Luke." She says happily, as if I was here. As if I was a pleasant surprise. "Why are you here?" 

I freeze. "I just wanted to talk to you." I say slowly, contemplating my next words. "Is that okay?" 

She kisses me. 

"Of course."

I had just been kissing Michael. The contrast between both warm mouths was apparent now, and I stop moving.

This was wrong. This was so wrong. 

I couldn't go break up with her now. I cheated on her. I'm a horrible boyfriend and never deserved her. She doesn't deserve this. 

"It's important." I clarify, going to sit down in the living room. "Where are your parents?" 


"Okay so," I look in her warm eyes and smile. As if that would help. She looked worried now, and I wanted to make her feel better so badly. 

How did I even start this? 

I was just going to say it.

"I don't feel...." Her mouth drops, but I continue. "I don't feel that way for you anymore."

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