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I was waiting. Sitting at a booth in the corner of a greasy diner, waiting for Autumn to come out of the bathroom. It was Saturday night, and we were supposed to spend it together. My mom was out with a friend, so she had let me use her car to pick up my girlfriend,and here we were.

It was a few more minutes before I saw Autumn's familiar figure heading towards our booth.

It was kind of cliche, or perhaps even boring, to have a date at the local diner. But there wasn't really much to do in this town. For awhile I had considered taking her roller skating, she would have loved that. But after Michael going there with me, it just didn't feel right.

Just as Autumn sat down, the waiter had arrived with our meal.

We had ordered burgers, stereotypical diner food.

We chatted as we ate, but I couldn't bring myself to really eat. So I just listened.

Autumn talked about school, her family, Christmas plans. That kind of stuff.

I realized I forgot to get her a gift. I made a mental note to do that soon.

She told me about the three schools she had narrowed it down to. Unlike her, I had none picked.

Autumn wanted to be a lawyer. I could picture her doing that too. She had been talking about it since seventh grade. She wasn't going to let anything get in her way. I admired her, honestly.

After a bit, we came to an awkward silence.

"So what are you planning to do?" She asks me, taking a bite of her food. I had barely touched mine.

"Like for college?" I clarify. She nods enthusiastically.

"I don't really know." I say, watching as her face molds into a surprised expression.

"What do you mean?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.

"I just don't know what to do. I was never prepared like you. I'm not good at anything, or interested. I don't know."

She started in on a "motivational talk", but I excused myself a few minutes later, saying I had to go to the bathroom.

I ducked into the only stall, pulling out my phone, and checking my text messages.

I had a few from Calum and Ashton, which I didn't bother opening, and clicked on Michael's.

He was asking how it was going with Autumn, as if he actually cared. Maybe he did.

I texted him back, telling him it was okay, and figured that was enough time, and went back to our table.

I was surprised to see Autumn, her coat on,and her bag in her hands.

"Where are you going?" I ask, not knowing what to think.

"My mom is in the hospital. Apparently she hurt her foot or something. I don't know exactly what happened." She looked sad. I didn't know the exact reason. For her mom? Because she had to cut this short?

Autumn was surprisingly really close to her mom. I liked her too. Autumn's dad worked a high paying job, yet her mom insisted she worked a minimum paying job, at the factory that specialized in car parts. She didn't care that her husband made more than enough. She said something about not wanting to be useless at home all the time. She somehow reminded me of Autumn.

"Okay." I say slowly. "Do you want me to come down there?"

She considers this.

"I'll text you when I find out what's up. So yeah, maybe."

She starts walking outside, talking as she goes.

"I paid the bill, by the way."

I follow her outside, our conversation and the past events making me feel somehow useless.


I dropped my girlfriend off at her house, promising her I would come to the hospital if needed, and drove away quickly. Before going home, I felt like I needed to do something.

I knew I had to stop by Michael's.

By the time I got to his house, I noticed that his parents were gone, and let myself in. Just as I suspected, he was in his bedroom, his eyes glued to the computer screen.

"Michael." I say as a greeting.

"Hey Luke." He replies, his eyes not leaving the screen. "I thought you were with Autumn?"

"She had to go. Apparently her mom was hurt and was in the hospital."

"Oh no." Michael says, in a monotone. He honestly couldn't have cared less.

A dry laugh escaped my lips.

"Yeah. I actually just came here to get your perspective. Advice. Whatever it is." His advice was usually shit, but it was good to get it. Comforting almost. I trusted Michael.

I had been inspired by the conversation i had with Autumn earlier.

"Okay." He says, waiting for me to go on.

"What are you doing after we graduate?" I deadpan.

It's a moment before he answers this. Slowly, he pauses whatever game he had been playing, and spins around in his chair, a cup of mountain dew in his hands. A typical gamer.

"You finally asked me this!" He says. I could tell that wasn't the way he meant for that to come out, but i say nothing. Was i really supposed to ask him?

"I'm actually taking a year off." He continues.


"To get myself together, I guess. I've spent too much of this year playing video-"

"Why don't you stop?"

"I'm too far gone," he jokes. "But anyways, I kind of wanted to do something, like, I don't know, involving video games? Like writing the plot or coming up with the idea. Is there a job for that? I have no idea. But yeah, that's what I'm doing."

That didn't exactly answer my question, but i nodded as if I understood.

It's quiet before i ask another question. "What am i going to do, Michael?"

I didn't expect him to really be any help.

"That's up to you."

I was right.

Michael takes off his glasses, standing up, as he rubbed his eyes. It was weird seeing him without his glasses.

I watched as he sat down next to me on his bed, him thinking.

"Sorry my advice sucks," he apologizes, hugging me. Michael liked hugs. "But I'm being serious. What do you like to do? You have a late start, but try thinking of something you would like to college for. Talk to your parents about it. I don't know. But it's never too late."

I contemplated this. He was right. I never really gave this a ton of thought, but this was almost a wake up call. The year was almost over. I couldn't prolong this anymore.

"Okay, so are you going to stay for a bit?" Michael asks me, leaning on me as if he was exhausted. "I paused the game. We can, I don't know," he pauses to put his glasses back on, that he had been grasping in his hands. "Make food?"

I chuckle, but before i could answer, my phone buzzed, and i knew it was Autumn.

"I can't." I say, frowning. "But we still have plans tomorrow night, right?"

Michael instantly stands up. It was as if he remembered i had a girlfriend and he no longer wanted to be close to me.

"Sure." He says, already getting ready to play again. But he couldn't hide the disappointment on his face.

I felt horrible as I exited his house, but knew it was for the best. I had a girlfriend. She came first. Wasn't it Michael who advised me to try to be a better boyfriend? I was going to do just that.


I hope everyone liked this, leave me your opinions!

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