"You think I'm handsome?"

Beginne am Anfang

Taehyung's face went blank, and he nervously shifted in his seat. "Uhh..."

"NO!" you yelled in absolute and utter panic, enough sense making it through your pulverized brain for you to recall what he did the first time he set foot in there, "no, Taehyung, stay OUT of the damn kitchen! Remember what happened last time?"

At Taehyung's sheepish expression, you knew he did.

"Idiot," you muttered before slumping back into the cushions.

"I am not going to cook it!" Taehyung finally protested, throwing his hands in the air, "Your friend brought it over! I will just get it for you!"

You cracked an eye open and tilted your head at the demigod in front of you.

A few minutes later (insert spongebob meme here), after you'd gotten up yourself with Taehyung at your heels and thanked every deity up there for the still-steaming soup that rested on the counter and poured bowls for yourself and Taehyung and downing some hangover pills, you were feeling a bit better.

"You should let me take care of you," Taehyung pouted as he rested his head in his hand and watched you lick the last remnants of soup off your lips.

"You?" a speculative snort made its way past your lips when you turned to glance at him again, raising an eyebrow, "You'd take care of me?"

It had been a while since you'd been dependent on anyone, really. You'd grown accustomed to being able to deal with and handle things on your own— you disliked having to lean on somebody. If you let your friends baby you, it would be once in a blue moon; your personality didn't strike well with being taken care of.

But still, you did like it. It just had to be from a person you loved and trusted.

And also— Taehyung? The wild, reckless, seductive demigod confined to your apartment until you could find a way to get rid of him, taking care of you? The idea was almost laughable.

Taehyung frowned at your amused, disbelieving expression. "I do not appreciate your skeptical tone."

You didn't even try to hold in your chortle this time at Taehyung's faintly regal look when he tipped his chin up. "Sure, Tae," you mocked lightly, leaning back and chuckling a little bit.

Taehyung stared at you for a moment, and then it was like you'd flipped a switch.

A darkly playful look entered Taehyung's eyes, and he stood up, one stride of his long legs bringing him right in front of you, his hands firmly placed on either side of your chair and caging you in, making your laughter cease. He dipped his head closer to you, close enough that you could feel his warm, hickory-scented breath fan out over your collarbones.

"I could take care of you," Taehyung purred, cocking his head with a roguish grin when you felt yourself try and put at least a little distance between the two of you, "if you'd let me."

"Right," you averted your gaze, shrugging even as your blood sizzled at the close proximity. "Sure, I bet you could."

Taehyung blinked, eyebrows furrowing and back straightening a little. "Ah— alright? Then, would you—"

"Nope," you hummed nonchalantly, pushing Taehyung back and sidestepping him to get your bowl to the sink. A small sigh left Taehyung's lips as his eyes traced your figure, trying to commit everything to memory.

Your headache was finally beginning to subside, so you glanced at Taehyung. You were still racking your mind to figure out exactly what had happened after the later part of the night, but your memory was still fuzzy. God, how much did Jimin even get you to drink? "You weren't drunk last night, yeah?"

➵ 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓: 𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒 [𝐊.𝐓𝐇]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt