|Sherlock and Peaky Blinders|

Start from the beginning

"Yeah kinda," He nodded, slightly looking up at the ceiling. "It's called Peaky Blinders with Cillian Murphy."

Squinting my eyes at the tall dark brunett, I motioned for him to follow me as I pushed the cart in front of me, "You know Peaky Blinders?" Sid said with a hint of excitement in his voice as his Crocs slightly squeaked while he walked next to me.

"I've never seen it, but I've heard of it. I've only heard of it because of," I stopped in front of the Mystery Crime Thriller movies and TV show DVDs, my eyes scanning over the covers while my fingers waggled out in front of me, "Ah-ha," I grabbed the DVD box from off the shelf, "Because I watch Sherlock." Turning the DVD cover around to show Sid, he smiled like an idiot.

"You watch Sherlock?" He pointed at the box.

Nodding, "Yup, since I was in 7th Grade," I examined the cover of the TV show DVD box with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman on the cover before putting it back in its place and exchanging it with the complete box set of Peaky Blinders, "But now you got me interested in watching this now."

Holding out the box set to Sid, he took the box, flipping it over different ways, examining the box and reading the back, "Yeah, it's a really good show. Same with Vikings." He nodded, then lifted his head back up to look at me.

"You watch Vikings?" I let out a laugh for a second with my mouth open, "I've never met a person in my life who watches and likes that show."

"Yeah, it's a good one. Definitely, one to watch if you like history."

"Well then! It's right up my alley!" I grinned, clapping my hands together. "Now I have two shows to watch now."

"Same with me, except it's just Sherlock."

"I think you'll enjoy Sherlock since now I know you love Peaky Blinders, you'll definitely enjoy it."

The two of us stood in an awkward silence for a minute. Sid was thinking about something because he kept on looking up towards the ceiling with his eyes.

"Hey, so, Kris, Jake, Geno, and myself were going golfing tomorrow at Oakmont and have brunch, would you wanna come with us?"

I pointed at him, "Ooh," then clicking my tongue, "I can't golf worth to save my life. BUT! I'll be there to take pictures and make a video of y'all having a good time."

"Great." He beamed before lifting up his baseball cap to fix his hair. "Um, so, Oakmont Country Club, 9 o'clock, play some holes, and after, brunch."

"Sounds like a plan, Captain." I gave him a serious look before doing a small salute, teasing him, which made the two of us laugh.

Kindly, I walked Sid up to the checkout where Amelia was waiting. She was collecting money out from one of the registers and about half tipped over when she saw Sidney Crosby in front of her.

Amelia got a quick picture of her and Sid together, I had to take it before she rang him up on the register next to her. She gave him a permanent in-store discount because he said how much he loves coming here to get Starbucks or to find a book. Sid also gave Amelia an honorable mention of me being such a good staff member and suggesting another good TV show for him to watch.

When I went home, Bri interrogated me about why Sid never talked to me today and how he came to Barnes and Noble to see me. Brianna almost half lost it when I told her about him complimenting me and praising me in front of my boss and him inviting me to play golf with him and the guys tomorrow.

"Bri!" I groaned, "I feel absolutely guilty for leaving you tomorrow, I can't go!" I slammed my face into my hands before throwing myself onto my bed.

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