Chapter 4: Allies

Start from the beginning

Bokuto's voice sounded harsh, and Kuroo knew he was right. But his thing with Oikawa was sex and nothing else. It was a way to have fun and release stress. They weren't tied to each other, and they were still young. They could have heirs later with their respective omegas. And even so...

Kuroo felt a pang in his heart and another in his stomach, but he hid them by putting an expression of neutral boredom on his face. He didn't feel like talking about it after what had happened with Oikawa. He didn't even know why he had said that to his sexual partner when he, better than anyone, knew why Oikawa acted so distant from the rest. It wasn't selfishness, as Kuroo himself had preached just a little while before.

"This is none of your fucking business, Bokuto. What I do or do not do is not something you should know. Neither you nor anyone. I don't have time to talk frivolously, explain to me what happened and why you are here," Kuroo said in a tone of voice that did not admit of reply.

Inside, Kuroo prayed that Bokuto wouldn't pursue the subject. It wasn't something he wanted to talk to anyone about. They had been hiding their sexual adventures for an entire year, and now another alpha had caught them at the first turn. Kuroo was grateful that Bokuto didn't know who he was, but that didn't reassure him in the least. However, Bokuto said nothing more, only frowned and glanced at him before looking down at his burned legs.

"It's quite evident," Bokuto replied.

"No, it's not," Kuroo said holding back a sigh of relief. "Because you're alive. So if the hunters have attacked you, you should be dead. And Washio, Osamu, Aran, Atsumu and Konoha as well. And yet they are with you. I hav eno time for bullshit. I will ask you one more time. Explain to me what happened."

Bokuto looked away. Kuroo had a secret that he had smelled the moment he had approached him. But Bokuto also had one. A hunter had saved his life, and that was not something he was proud of. And he hadn't planned to shout it from the rooftops, so his mind came up with an excuse at full speed. He wouldn't lie, but he wouldn't tell the whole truth either. The terrible and shameful truth.

"It happened at my election ceremony. Washio and the others had left..." Bokuto began to speak. "My father had ordered them to inform him of how the war was going here, in your territory."

Bokuto looked at Kuroo trying to decipher his expression. But he did not show astonishment or perplexity, he continued to maintain a neutral expression that said nothing. A cloak of mystery always surrounded Kuroo and no one, not even his faithful and intelligent beta, Kenma, was able to know what he was thinking on many occasions. Bokuto played with his fingers entwined in his lap, bandaged and smelling of antiseptic.

"... So they weren't there, but everyone else was," he continued. "The hunters attacked everyone, they killed many children." Bokuto clenched his fists. "My father forced me to flee and so I escaped. I hid. I don't know what happened next, but I heard something and I could smell the smoke. The hunters had set fire to the base, so I ran out and well... Here I am."

"That is why you have burns all over," Kuroo understood. "And... What do you want to do now?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Bokuto asked. "I want justice. I want them to see theirs die, just like I saw mine. And for that I need your help."

"Revenge is not the right option, and you know it," Kuroo said coldly.

"It's not revenge, it's justice," Bokuto replied.

"When we claim justice by taking a life, what we are really doing is turning it into revenge," Kuroo said, rising from the stool and looking at Bokuto with empty eyes. "I'm not going to help you if you're trying to kill hunters for such a reason without first having a dialogue with them. Take justice into your own handd and forget that you know me."

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