"Hey! What is wrong with me?" Axel asked rhetorically.

She scoffed in amusement, "Oh, absolutely nothing." Hailey rolled her eyes then looked back to me, awaiting my response.

"Yeah, you're right, I wouldn't want her to meet Axel." I murmured.

"Wow, I've never felt so unwanted." He said then pursed his lips.

A knock on the door made all of us freeze.

I looked at Hailey with wide eyes, holding my breath. She looked over the door. I walked quietly over the peephole.

"It's Lola," I whispered.

Hailey made an I-told-you-so face. I ran my hands through my hair in frustration.

"Who's Lola?" Axel whispered, clueless.

I smoothed my hair, exhaled a breath then opened the door. "Hi, Lola!" I greeted.

She greeted back with a hug, "Oh, I've missed you, apo!"

She released me, "And Hailey!"

"Hi, Lola!" Hailey greeted, walking over and bringing Lola to a hug then took Lola's hand and put it on her forehead. A bless. I almost forgot. I did the same.

"And..." Lola's forehead creased. "Uh... I'm pretty sure my memory's still intact." She nodded at both Hailey and me with a light chuckle.

"Who are you, Hijo?"

"Hi, um..." Axel started, unsure of what to call Lola. "I'm Axel." He offered her his hand but retracted it swiftly as he shook his head slightly. He took the back of her hand and placed it on his forehead, just like what Hailey and I did.

"You look familiar, Axel. Did you go to High School with Lauren and Hailey?"

"Sadly, no."

"I could've sworn I already saw you somewhere."

"That you may have."

Hailey and I looked at each other, watching Lola and Axel in their own little bubble. "Uh, Lola meet Axel, Axel meet my Lola Ginny. Lola is Tagalog for Grandmother if you don't know."

"Yes, but she can never pronounce it right. It's Lola." Lola said, enunciating the word properly.

Axel's brows shot upwards, "Your Grandmother? But she doesn't look old enough to have grandkids!"

"Oh," Lola chuckled in delight then swatted Hailey's arm, "This kid's such a bolero! I like him already." She giggled.

I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head.

"Hi, Mrs. Ginny." He beamed, charming his way into my Lola's heart.

"Oh please, call me Lola. Are you Lauren's boyfriend, by the way?"

My eyes widened in surprise. "No!" I said in a surprisingly loud tone.

They all looked at me in question.

"Axel is just a boy." I continued.

"And a friend." Axel smiled.

I glared at him.

"And he was just leaving," I said grabbing Axel by the arm.

"Oh? But why? Do you have somewhere to be, Axel?"



We said in unison.

"What? Yes." I insisted.

How to Date an AssholeWhere stories live. Discover now