Chapter One: Amnesia

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"So, how's he been? You know, all things considered?" Both Toph and Sokka walked from the pond they were staying nearby as a water source. It had been roughly a month since their mission to retrieve Aang from Azula's clutches. Since then, King Kuei made sure that Lake Laogai's ruins would be permanently secured, being guarded by both guards and a floor of steel that separated the ceiling of Lake Laogai and the surface of the actual earth. The only way in or out would be with a machine that could cut through metal... or at the very least, a skilled metalbender.

    "He won't talk to any of us, and it's just killing my sister. I get it, he feels extremely guilty for what happened down in Lake Laogai, but the past is the past. The healers that took Zhao's body away said that his pulse was still radiating strong, so I have no idea what Aang did to him. Maybe he somehow sent him back to the Spirit World, but that might as well be as good as dead." Toph shuttered at the thought as they continued down the familiar path towards their campsite. Toph had left urgently after their battle against Zhao and Azula, needing to tend to her metalbending academy. Ever since then, Toph had been left in the dark whenever it came to Aang and his wellbeing. Both Sokka and Katara were keeping any information about him to themselves, under lock and key.

"Is he at least...-"

"Stable?" Toph nodded as Appa's giant arrow came within Sokka's eyesight. Truly, Sokka hadn't been able to get a reading on Aang and how he was doing. For the most part, the Avatar preferred to be left alone, flying off to who knows where in hopes of getting away from it all. He had always had that problem as the Avatar, running whenever the going got tough. From the obvious hundred year disappearance to running away from the old man who heckled him at the docks all those months ago. It seemed to be a reoccurring appearance, something that didn't sit well with Sokka for numerous reasons. Firstly, he was the Avatar, he was the protector of all life and that job didn't allow for someone to just run away whenever the going got tough. Secondly, he was Katara's... Companion? Boyfriend? As of late those two and their relationship had become quite rocky as Aang preferred to bottle up everything and close himself off from the world. Whatever they were, Sokka didn't sit comfortably with the idea of someone just leaving Katara whenever something came up between the two. On top of that, Aang had been acting even more peculiar than what Sokka was letting on. From an outside perspective, every time Sokka even spoke to Aang he'd look at him quizzically as if he had no idea who he was. He would even do this with Katara but Katara just took it as him trying to reel himself back from the traumatic events that happened down below.

"Honestly, I have no idea if he's "stable". He seems fine from an outsider's point of view but the fact that he and Katara aren't on the same page sends obvious signals to me that he's fighting something. I just hope that we can get our old Aang back." Sokka stopped in his tracks just short of the outskirt to their campsite. Chewing on his cheek, he held back any small amount of emotion that dared to enter his brain. In true Sokka fashion, he wanted to seem like the most macho of all men, but something about seeing his best friend slowly deteriorating into a state of despair made even Sokka wobble in the knees. Hopelessness wasn't even a proper term for the feeling that washed over Sokka. Toph sensed his uneasiness and backtracked so that she stood directly to the right of him. Against her usual mannerisms, she placed a hand on his shoulder and patted lightly.

"Let's just drop it. Come on," he started, looking at Toph as he proceeded ahead. "We need to get this water to Katara so that she can heal him anyway."

As they reached Katara, Sokka winced at the state of Aang's body. The weeks of torture had done a visible number on the once jubilant Airbender. His ribs were still visibly poking out of his skin, and his skin seemed to be purple due to all of the bruises that still somehow covered him from head to toe. Bags remained underneath his sunken eyes as he hadn't slept well at all since they had rescued him. Luckily, Katara was able to heal the dark red cuts that once riddled his pale flesh. Still, the sight of him was hardly that of a hero, more like one who needed a hero.

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