Chapter 27: The interview

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"Je suis venu dès que vous avez appelé" Maria said with Juliette standing next to her panting.

Translation: I came as soon as you called

Why are they out of breath? I'm pretty sure they came here by car...

"I know something good just happened." Juliette said walking in and taking a seat on the sofa.

Was this a good idea? anyway, I'm too happy too care!

But then again, how was i going to explain to them that Im basically with Justin now?

Speaking of Justin I wasn't lying when I said he was gonna have to leave my home. Serves him right for getting sassy with me.

"Youre too happy, something definitely happened. He came over didn't he?!" The blonde asked.

"How come you're always inviting him over when we're not around?" Maria pouted.

"She's just being selfish. She wants to have him all to herself without sharing." Juliette crossed her arms.

"Well actually-"


I rolled my eyes. "Look are you gonna let me explain or what?" I asked them both.

"S'il vous plait expliquez moi." Maria said. I sighed.

Translation: Please explain to me

"Okay so Justin did come over. And he said that he needed to talk to me." I said as they gasped.

" okay and then-Well, let me just skip a few moments and Say that he admitted his feelings to me."

They instantly sat up. "I knew this was going to happen." Juliette squealed.

"He said that he meant to kiss me on purpose. He also said that I meant a lot to him and he wanted us to be together." I said almost tearing up.

He was so sweet.

"Iman! Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, i-what did you say?" Maria asked eager to know what happened next.

"Well of course I said that I had feelings for him too and that I wouldn't mind if we were together." I said.

Her eyes widened and she began squealing and jumping up and down with me.

" C'est trop beau pour être vrai." She said.

Translation: This is too good to be true

"So my best friend is dating the prince of this country. Wow." Juliette said in a daze.

Maria and I laughed. "So-so did anything- what happened next?" She asked.

"Umm he was very happy for the moment but then I started acting unsure about being with him, and he started panicking."

Juliette immediately started laughing.

" C'était juste froid."

Translation: That was just cold.

"And so I was like, how are you gonna come over here and ask me to be with you if you didn't bring flowers?"

Maria widened her eyes.

"He looked really scared and told me he'll be right back to buy me some flowers." I laughed.

If he were here right now, he'd be so mad.

But the thing is, I've never seen angry Justin before...

"Iman that means he's willing to do anything for you! You said that he panicked and was basically on his way for you to be with him, right? Umm he's pretty much wrapped around your finger." Juliette said with maria nodding.

Prince of France *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now