Chapter 42: Vacant

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During the movie, I was still debating on whether or not I should tell Iman about what's going on.

If I told her, she'd most likely be upset, but if I didn't, somehow she'd find out and our relationship would be at risk.

I rather tell her now because I most definitely don't want to lose her..

As long as I stay honest, hopefully she wouldn't take things the opposite way.

"Hey, Iman." I said waving my hand over her face.

"You can't leave me alone for five minutes without trying to get my attention, huh?" She said still looking at the big screen.




"What is it, Justin?" She smiled.

She is so beautiful..

Okay so how am I going to say this?

"So, you know how the other day, I went to talk to the King about getting my place back?" I asked her.

"Yes.." She said.

"Well, okay so I got it.."

"I mean, duh Justin." She laughed.

Her being in a positive mood made it even easier to say.

"I don't know how to say this but, he thinks we're not together anymore.." I said looking down.


"He thinks since I came back, it meant that I'm no longer with you." I said again.

"But that's not true." She said even more confused now.

"Now I have to tell you this part. Please don't get upset, Iman."

"It depends what it is, first." She said crossing her arms.

"My dad is pushing me to date Victoria. But...its not really dating because Im only agreeing so he'd leave us alone and not take any extreme measures towards you." I said slowly.

It might've sounded bad, but that's the best way I could've said it.

"'re, you-"

"Iman, I'm only pretending to date her, okay? I'm not into her like that, and you're the only girl that will ever have my heart. I'm only doing this to satisfy my dad and get him off my back. So please, please don't be upset with me." I said before planting a kiss on her forehead.

She bit the inside of her lip and took a few seconds to reply.

"If you're upset, I totally under-"

"Justin, its alright. I'm not mad or anything, really. "

"So you're cool with it all?"

"How could I not? At least you told me. Its better than finding out for myself and jumping to conclusions." She said smiling.

"You're definitely the best, thank you." I said pulling her closer to me.

"But Justin.." She said resting her head on my chest. She loves this position. She's always putting her head on my chest. But I don't mind.

"Yes, babe?"

She then started laughing. "You sound weird when you say that."

"Haha, okay what were you going to say?"

She always ruins the mood.

"Whats going to happen if they find out that you were only pretending, and that you're still with me?"

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