Chapter 7: If the end justifies the means

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I didn't intend to be so rude, but this had to be done. The woman nodded her head.

"Follow me," She said gesturing me to follow her.

I followed behind her as she guided me through the back of the shop, where I saw most of the employed giving her and I confused looks. Some could look past my "Disguise" , some couldn't.

But as of right now, I couldn't care less.

We stopped at a door labeled, "manager" Where I'm guessing held the manager.

"Will that be all?" She asked nervously. I nodded to her. "Merci."

Translation: Thank you

I knocked on the white door as the woman left. I heard a feminine voice say, "Entrez" So I unwined the door.

It was a small office, had a couple windows that were blocked by curtains and a woman that looked around her late 20's looked up at me. I actually found it a bit odd that a coffee shop needed an office anyway but, what do I know about business?

*Their conversation is mostly in English*

"Ehm Mr...., may I help you with something?" The woman asked looking at me as if i had two heads. Probably wondering why someone who's not an employee is in her office.

I walked closer until I was a few inches away from her desk. I could feel her nervousness and I saw her eyes widened, making me smirk.

"Well its nice to know you are aware of who I am." I said swiftly disguarding my glasses. "Prince J-Justin..." She said standing up and doing a quick bow.

I read her identity tag. 'Mary'

"In the flesh.." I said. I don't know why, but i found it fun to scare this woman. "P-prince, why are-are you in my office? is-"

"I have a complaint, madam." I said making her face pale.

"I've been coming to this shop regularly and have found one of your employees seems that she no longer works here, no?" I asked tilting my head to the side a little. I was quite angry but good with hiding it.

She quickly snapped her head up. "Are you speaking of Iman Akan?" She asked timidly. I smiled. "oui"

Translate: Yes

"She is a dear friend of mine and it upsets me that you... let her go.." I said watching 'Mary' squirm under my gaze.

"Your highness, if you are implying that I should re-hire her, there's nothing that I can do." She said frowning

At this point I was very annoyed with her ability to not cooperate. My patience was hanging on a thread with her.

"It would be such a shame for this shop to go to waste knowing who I am, please don't gupset me, Madam." I said hoping she got the hint.

Her eyes widened. "Prince, are you threatening me?!" She asked shaking.

"Quiet down..and indeed I am. Listen, rehire ms.Iman and this shop will stay running. Fail to do my request, and every employee including you will be at risk of losing their job. Did I mention the head boss as well?" I asked smirking at the woman.

The woman didn't respond. I knew I frightened her enough.

"I can make it happen."


"It seems that you've had experience Ma.Akan, thank you." The women said. I nodded my head with a smile as I left the room. Just now I finished my interview with a smile as I left the room. Just now I finished my interview with the owner of the French restaurant I applyed for yesterday.

After I returned my things to Mary the other day, I figured I might as well hurry and apply for the most favorable option, which was the French restaurant.

I applyed for the jobs, got my notice , and then did the interview. besides, not much people were applying there anyway.

As I left the store, I frowned. Now that I've finished with the interview, I realized I have to sit through the wait. It could take weeks for them to call me back and give the news if I had gotten the job or not...

And time really wasn't on my side as I had bills to pay and food to eat.

"Bonjour" one of my neighbors greeted me as I smiled at her infant child.

I got all my keys and unlocked my apartment door.

"I really need to figure something out." I said changing into some comfortable clothes.

I honestly don't want to Start a new job but it has to be done considering the situation I'm in.

I heard the annoying beeping sound from my phone , signaling it was about to die.

I groaned and raced to my bedrrom where the charger was. When the phone lit up, I widedned my eyes in amusement. I had 5 missed calls and 2 voice mails.

Whoever this was, desperately needed me to pick up.

All of them came from the same number. The number looked familiar so I just called back.

The person picked up on the their ring.


"Iman? goodness!" The familiar voice yelled.

"Mary?" I asked wondering why she was calling me. "Iman! how are you?" She asked nervously. I was quite ammused. She fired me a couple days back and asks how I am.

"I'm fine" I sighed. Unless she's calling me back to tell me that I was rehired, I didn't want to hear it

"You're probably wondering why I'm calling you." She said.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, why are you calling?" I said outing the phone on speaker so I wouldn't have to hold the phone.

"I'm calling to informed you that you are rehired." She said simply.

I furrowed my eyebrows as my Jaw unlocked. "What?" I asked, barely whispering.

"Miss Akan, you're rehired. There was a big mistake of letting you off." She said stuttering at the end.

I was very very speechless and shocked. But secretly happy. But, I didn't want to give in soon.

"Why am I all of a sudden, rehired?" I asked her, curious. Thus didn't make any sence. What mistake was there, anyway? I was fired because if my 'behavior'

"Oh, em... it seems that you weren't putting anyone's job on the line at all. I am very sorry." She said stuttering.

This is odd..I felt like something big was being cut out of the picture.

But anyway, I'll just take this opportunity. Its less work anyway.

"Okay, thank you very much." I said still confused.

"Thank you, Iman." she said overly relieved for some reason. "I still have your uniform and identity tag, you can come get them anytime you want." She said.

Wait, so do I start again in the morning?

"You can come in the morining if you'd like." She said a little bit too eager.

I raised my eyebrows. "Alright, thank you" I said holding back my happiness.

Something weird may be going on, but I got my job back so, all is well.


Heyyyy everyone, here's the update!! and I'm very sorry it took me forever to update, I was just very lazy. I was supposed to update yesterday but, yeah. lol And yaaaaay! king Justin to the rescue!!!

I hope you all are enjoying this stery thanks for the views and comments, and votes!

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