Chapter 54: Who is he?

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It was still early in the morning when I heard my phone ring.

"Ughh go away.." I groaned still sleepy. It was like still in the wee hours and I wasn't really planning on answering any calls.

Like, seriously.

Then I heard the familiar tune that I got a voicemail.

That was odd....

No one ever left voicemails unless it was important or something like that.

I sucked it up and reached over, grabbing my phone and squinting at the bright light.

I hate looking at bright things after I wake up.

I had about two missed calls from Maria and Juliette each the a final voice message from Maria.

What could be going on?

I played it.

"Umm..hey Iman, its me. Justin."

I felt a wave of shock jump me up and sat up in my bed.

Justin? How-

"I know its been awhile since we've you know, seen each other. And I just want to say that I've missed you, baby.. I hope you're doing well. Or at least better than me." He said. My heart clenched when I heard the sadness in his voice.

"These past 4,5 months has just been empty and-i-i just want you to know that you still mean everything to me and I hope you still feel the same about me. I shouldn't have lied and lead you on like that, and I'm sorry my father got in the way of things. If you're hearing this, I just want you to know that you don't have to run away. From me." He then sighed.

"I love you." And that was the end.

The rest of the morning was spent with me sitting up on my bed with my head resting on my fists.

Justins words and voice repeatedly rung in My head. After so long I was now gearing his voice and it sounded so different..

It wasn't smooth like before, it was more hoarse and I heard some cracking and wavering here and there. And it didn't help that I was part of the cause for it.

I replayed the message again, I clung to every word and pause. I missed him so much and just knowing the message was from him, made my heart thump louder.

I could tell Justin wasn't taking the distance very well, and neither was I for the most part. Being away from him did me no good like I thought it would. The pain I was feeling just deemed worse.

One thing hit my head. Why was Justin's message coming through Maria's phone? She had probably given it to him because he knew I'd recognize his number.

I should be angry, but I'm not.

It felt good to hear from him anyway.


Daniel and I were now at the airport. We were picking our mom up from her trip in Ghana.

We were waiting on the metal benches for any signs of her.

The message from Justin in the morning was still replaying in my mind. For some reason I felt upset. I didn't know why, I just was.

And that was three days ago.

I just couldn't stop thinking about him.

"The hell are you staring at, Iman?" Daniel asked snapping me back into the world.

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