Prince of France

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Hello Guys, this is my new story, Prince of France and I am so very happy to share this with you. I've worked really hard on it and I hope you all will enjoy it.

Chapter 1: Café Verlet

I woke up this morning with a smile as usual. I pressed my hand on the small beeping object making it cease the noise. great, now my morning is ruined. The alarm clock just makes everything worse. And I just love how I woke up a minute before the clock.

"Oh, God." I mutter as I got out my bed and walking myself to the bathroom. I stripped my clothes off and stepped into the shower, cleaning myself.

I wiped the sleep from my eyes as the warm water poured continuously on my body. I sighed once I felt satisfied and turned off the running water.

I grabbed a towel to dry my hair. I stood in front of the mirror as I dried my hair. I ran my fingers through it a couple times and tugged on it as I felt the coarse curls.

"My hair is so big." I chuckled as I finished drying.

Here in France, I earned many curious glances for my "strange hair". everywhere I went there would be people asking to touch it, and other questions asking me where I'm from. I enjoyed the attention but sometimes it got slightly annoying. I applied moisturizer in my hair before leaving my bathroom.

I hurried and dressed myself once I saw that time was short. I worked at a café called "Café Verlet"

It is one of the best cafés here in the heart of Paris. It is a very busy place and I'd hate to be late. I like to show a very good representation at my job. I finished putting on my uniform and got ready to leave the apartment.

Fortunately I caught the bus when I did. I've only lived in France for about 1 year and I'm still learning the customs here. I can speak French fluently but I'm still learning, and I am also still learning my way around as well.

A good thing about France is that the people are very kind and peaceful. unlike my American counterparts.

I pulled my uniform skirt down a little and fixed my hat on my head, which was difficult by the way, as I entered the café.

There were less people today and it was like that sometimes. we are one if the best cafés in Paris and also very expensive, which drove people away sometimes.

I was brought out of space by my friend, Juliette who I've known for a while now. she had blonde hair that stops at shoulder length and dark brown eyes. she is also very petite.

"Salut, Iman" she spoke all bubbly. "bonjour, lady Juliette." I chuckled with her. as a friend, Juliette also teaches me a little French as well. she was very nice and trusty.

She could also speak English fluently too. "Please get to work soon, Iman. you know how Mary can get." She said rolling her eyes. I nodded.

Our manager, Mary, is very strict and bossy. she got on my nerves sometimes. I grabbed a notepad and pen as I went to the first table I saw. It was a table next to a window seated by a young man with shades.

I kind of found it strange seeing as it wasn't all that sunny inside the cafe. "Monsieur, puis-je prends votre poubelle?" the man looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows as he slightly cocked his head to the side.

my eyes widened as I realized what I had just said. I asked him if I could take his trash.... oh, God.

"No, no. Je suis desolée, monsieur. puis-je prends votre commandé s'il vous Plaît?" Translation: I'm sorry sir, may I please take your order?" the man smirked before raising his eyebrows in ammusemsnt.

"Give me a cappachino and a small blueberry muffin." he said. I could hear his faint French accent role off His tongue. I was very taken back. I didnt expect him to reply to me in English.

"W-will that be All sir?" I asked still embarrassed as I tapped the pen on the note pad. "Yes," he said with that amused smirk still on his pink lips. If my skin were any lighter, I would have been Patrick star.

I nodded and gave the order to Juliette. "Iman, you seem troubled." Juliette said studying my face.

"Its nothing." I responded with a smile. she handed me the now made order and I thanked her. I took a deep breath and made it back to the table where the young man was seated.

"Here you go, sir." I said putting the food on his table. I couldn't see his eyes through his dark shades but I could tell he was watching my bare arms while I set his tray down.

It made me quite uncomfortable. "That would be 5.61 €" I said moving my hair out of my face. it was currently in a twist out and one strand kept falling in my eyes.

he swiftly took out the money from his "Designer wallet" and handed it to me.

"Thank you." I softly bowed and before I could turn around to serve my next customer, he stopped me. "Where are you from?" he asked as he watched me with interest.

"O-oh. I'm from the U.S, Sir." I said biting my lip. I don't know why I was so nervous. I usually get that question all the time.

He nodded his head and I went back to work. Today actually went by very slow. I guess it was because we didn't have any sales. but that was good for me because I did not feel like going back and forth today. Who knew taking peoples orders could be so tiring.

"I am so ready to go home." I head Juliette mutter. I couldn't help but to smile. her accent was so cute.

"Moi aussi" translation: me too.

"Iman, that man has been sitting there for a while now." She chuckled, making me raise an eyebrow. It was the same man I served not too long ago. "That's weird" I said shrugging my shoulders.

I looked at the time on my watch and it was almost time to go home. I left here at 5:25pm. only a few more minutes to go.

I chatted with the other employees until time was up. "I'll see you tomorrow, Juliette." I smiled, waving.

I hummed as I unlocked the door of my cozy apartment. I'm so glad to be home and now I just want to relax. Work was just weird today, not too mention me embarrassing myself in front of that one customer.

"Can I take your trash, really?" I cringed.

I seriously need to master, French. I changed into some more comfortable clothing and heated some Roman noodles. It was already getting too late to cook anyway. I also needed to finish my online lesson.

A year ago i came to France to purse a degree in Finance. I could have chosen to go anywhere else for my degree, but I've always wanted to do my education abroad, and I've always wanted to go to France so, why not?

I ended up taking online courses because I have my own place now, and I have to work full time to survive. its been hard, but eventually things will get better.


What's up you guys? I hope you guys enjoyed this intro chapter. I've worked really hard on this new story so I hope you enjoyed it. this is for all the sistas out there that's waiting for their prince.

Her name is pronounced: (E-mon)

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