Chapter 51: Departing

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*aww baby..* ^^^^^


I was in my bed chambers. Just laying down and looking face up at the ceiling as one arm rested behind my head.

I had a blank facial expression, really. Not much was going through my head except the fact that Iman was leaving me for good.

I didn't know where she was right now. She could be on a plane boarding to Cambodia right now, I wouldn't know.

She could still be somewhere here in France, again, I wouldn't know.

She hasn't picked up any of my calls. Texts, anything. Just not being able to see her really made a tear in my heart.

I've never loved so hard in my life...

Its only been a couple of hours but yet I've missed her like its been an eternity.

My heart beats furiously the longer I think about her. Why did this have to happen?

I felt one tear roll down my cheek and I quickly wiped it off.

I couldn't stay at my place. It reminded me too much of her and everything we did together.

I felt a knock at my door for the umpteenth time this morning snapping me out of my trance.

"Fuck off.." I glared at the closed door.

I was certainly not in the mood. "U-um I'm sorry to i-interrupt you p-prince but your parent-parents they-"

"I don't care. I'm staying right here. Leave."


"Don't disobey me." I said firmly.

I heard the maid's retreating footsteps.

Good. I wanted to be alone.

But then again, I didn't.

I didn't speak to anyone when I returned back here. Didn't even look at a soul.

No words could express how I was feeling.

Was Iman right, though? Was what we shared really going nowhere?

It sucked knowing you loved someone so much, yet knowing you could never be with them.

I checked my phone again making sure if Iman got them or not. It wasn't even on 'read' so I knew her phone had to be shut off.

I was becoming very desperate and anxious to see her.

I didn't know what it was, but apart of me just screamed that Iman hadnt left yet and i needed to see her NOW.

If she was here she had to be at her brothers place. I wasn't giving up yet.

I quickly got dressed and out the palace in a rush.

It was such a good thing I knew the hotel her brother was staying.

Once I got out my car I quickly walked into the building where I saw the same receptionist from last time.

I was slightly annoyed because of the way he flirted with Iman in my presence.

"Yes, sir may i-"

"Yes, I need to see Daniel Akan." I said to him. I wasn't in the mood for small talk.

He typed something in the computer while rolling his eyes.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Daniel had checked out about half an hour ago. " he said glancing at me.

Prince of France *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now