Chapter 75: Confession

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"Alright, I'm about to wash you guys, okay?" I said running the water.

"Okay jaedon, you're first." I said putting my son down into the warm water. I then set Janice in.

"Viens ici chéri."

Translation: Come here, darling

They began giggling and splashing in the water. I was getting out their soft soaps when Janice glanced behind me and started to whine.

"What's wrong baby girl?" I asked her not knowing why she was crying already.


She started crying more and splashing fiercely at the water.

I don't know why I just got scared.

She pointed to somewhere on the floor.

When I saw the fluffy teddy bear, I shook my head. "Ummm." That is not going into the tub. If it was plastic or something, then yeah. But..

"No can do, Janice."

She looked up at me with glossy eyes before opening her mouth and crying out loud.

"Janice, no." I said getting up and putting the bear away but the yelling got worse.

I sighed and came back, giving Janice the cotton bear anyway. She started sniffing as she squeezed it and brought it into the water.

I really hope Iman doesn't come in here too soon..

After I finished washing their little bodies, I moved to their hair.

Jaedon's hair, I could deal with it, but I wasn't too sure how I was going to do Janice's.

I poured the pink shampoo in my hands and worked on washing her soft hair, noticing her curls beginning to shrink.

I rinsed it out for her as I closed her eyes. Shampoo is a bitch when rinsing because it gets everywhere and stuff..especially the eyes.

I used a soft rag to clean their faces because I didn't want them to open their eyes while I washed it. That would be....dangerous.

I wiped them down, applyed their baby lotion on them and put on their diapers for them.

I practically spent the whole day with Janice and Jaedon, and I enjoyed it. I love jaedon and Janice so much.

After dressing them, I watched a little bit of TV with the miracles. Jaedon fell asleep right next to me and Janice shortly followed suit on my chest.

I put them to bed and quietly left their room.

Down the hall, I heard heels clicking.

I saw Iman humming as she approached closer and began removing her earnings.

When she saw me, she smiled and stopped.

"Hey baby." She said kissing me directly on the lips. "How are jaedon and Janice?" Iman asked looking at their bedroom door.

"They're fine, they're sleeping now." I told her.

I noticed what Iman was wearing. A short black lace dress with a gold necklace and black heels. "So where were you? You were gone the whole day." I asked her.

"I went out with your Mother and Jazmine, remember?" Iman asked me. "Ohh yeah I remember."

"See you wouldn't be asking me that if you weren't eye raping me earlier today." I told him.

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