Chapter 66: more & more planning

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*you'll find out what the song is for. Anyway the guy in the purple is WizKid. I'm like obsessed with him. Sorry if you can't see it. Wattpad is getting on my nerves*

-no one-

"Ahem," Jaxon said with his hands in his pockets as he saw the engaged couple making out.

In the kitchen, really?

Justin continued kissing her while Iman giggled and tried pushing him away.

They didn't really seem to hear him. "Justin stop eating her face!" Jaxon laughed making them pull away from each other.

Iman looked flustered but Justin didn't really feel any shame. "Can we be of any assistance to you?" Justin asked sarcastic.

Jaxon rolled his eyes. "I was just casually walking by when I heard the both of you." He said shifting his eyes from his soon to be sister in law to his bother.

"Greetings, Iman." Jaxon said to her. Iman waved.

"Why is everyone here?" Jazmine said peeking her head in.

"Well it is a kitchen..and-"

"Be quiet, jaxon." Jazmine said sharpening her gaze on him.

"Iman can I borrow you for just a second?" Jazmine asked her.

"Sure." She said getting up from the chair and following out the girl, leaving the two boys behind.

"So whats up?" Iman asked her.

"Well nothing really. I just thought we should have some bonding time." Jazmine said making Iman amused.

Iman feels so liked.

"That would be nice."

"It seems like Justin is always snatching you away." Jazmine giggled.

Iman sighed. "He definitely is. Its like I get no freedom when he's around."

"Really?" Jazmine asked.

"Yes, yes. And he's always taking my food." Iman complained crossing her arms.

"Well that's no good." Jazmine laughed.

"He gets so annoying but I love him so," Iman smiled.

"Yeah, he really loves you. I swear you're all he talks about. Well, when you're not around that is." She chuckled. "I also again want to apologize on Victoria's behalf."

Why does everyone think Im still hurt from her nasty comment? Iman asked herself.

"Its fine, I'm not really worried about her."

"I honestly don't know what got into her." Jazmine shook her head.

"Aren't you and Victoria best friends?" Iman asked her. "Not necessarily. I mean, I don't really like her all that much."

"You seem to be very close to her." Iman said. "She's actually a nice person. But some things have kind of shifted and she's turned into somebody else. "

"She really likes Justin." Jazmine said. "But she just can't accept that he's not really interested."

"I think it's deeper than that. She can't accept that Justin chose a commoner like me, over a person with a higher status like her. That's what I think it is." Iman said.

But she's also been thinking about something else. She just couldn't say it in front of Jazmine because she's a part of the royal family and someone might get in trouble for an assumption.

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