23. The Unknown Skeleton...

Start from the beginning

"They had come to your parents' house but somehow Shekhar convinced your mother and made her and Vaani flee from the place in time. She was crying on the phone telling that she had left Shekhar in a big danger and was on her way to Pandharpur with all the proof that they had collected"

"As I was talking to her over the phone, I heard a strange thrashing sound and the call got disconnected... I knew something wrong had happened with both of your parents. I kept on trying to connect Shekhar and Rohini again and again but everything was in vain"

"The whole night I roamed like a mad person here and there thinking of what to do. Then in the morning, I got information about a road accident that had happened on Pandharpur-Solapur highway and the fact that the people involved in that accident were taken to Pandharpur Government Hospital"

"My worst fears came true when I saw Vaani being taken by Sister Geetha out from the hospital entrance. On enquiring near the hospital reception, I came to know that Rohini had died due to excessive bleeding... But she had given birth to a premature baby girl. As I was about to go inside and declare the identity of Rohini, something stopped me... Rohini was dead, I couldn't contact Shekhar and all of this was happening because of me"

"I decided in any way, I will keep you both safe and away from all this mess. I decided to first find Shekhar somehow but ultimately I got nothing. My sixth sense kept on telling me that Rohini didn't just die in the accident, someone intentionally caused it"

"I kept on searching for him for three days with all my effort but I was totally unsuccessful. I had a bad feeling about this but I was determined to protect you both from anything. So, I published the fake news in the regional newspaper saying that the accident had killed everyone who was there in that car"

"I ceased every proof of the fact that you both had survived the accident. Most of the government authorities were busy preparing for the temple festival and that worked in my favor. When I enquired about Vaani, I came to know that Sister Geetha had planned to take her along with her to Bangalore. She was well-known in Pandharpur as a kind and compassionate woman and I knew for sure that she would take proper care of Vaani. Now I had to do something for you... You were premature and very weak so I waited patiently"

"While staying in Pandharpur, I had joined an NGO to help some of the ailing patients in the memory of my dead husband. Using my identity as an NGO worker, I brought you from the hospital after around a month"

"Your mother was a medical student and I only requested the hospital staff to donate her body to a medical college but I made sure no one knew of her identity. To date, there is a missing complaint filed in Mumbai Police Station of three people, Shekhar Dasgupta, Rohini Dasgupta, and Vaani Dasgupta"

"Through my contacts, I finally found a place for you, Snehalaya orphanage, Lonavala, and finally sent you there, promising myself to never return in your or your sister's life. When I went to the orphanage, I was asked the name of the child by the caretaker, to which I had no answer. She requested me to give you the name"

"I always wanted you to stay safe and protected, so I named you Amna which meant the same. I convinced the caretaker to never mention my name to you, for the sake of your security and well-being and she agreed. Your adoption papers just mention the name of the NGO and not the person's name who brought you there for this reason"

"I came back to Pandharpur and finally decided to leave that place too. We finally settled in Pune. Shekhar was still missing, Rohini was dead and the proof was ultimately destroyed. I decided to never include anyone again in my fight. As Disha grew up, she came to know about everything, and despite my pleading, she decided to get justice for her father. She joined Mhatre Group only for that purpose and it was only a year back when we came back to Mumbai, the same place which snatched our everything years ago mercilessly"

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