1. The Beginning of the End...Or a New Beginning

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11:03 PM, 6th March, Savitri Medical College, and Hospital Emergency room, 48 hours before the incident

Having a proper sleep, waking up to the first ray of the sunshine, having a coffee relaxing in the morning has never been in Amna's schedule from the day she decided to work in the Emergency Department. With a single shift lasting more than twenty-four hours, she had very few things that she could call hobbies. 

One was sleeping, she could literally sleep anywhere and anytime... In short, the god of sleep was her first love. The second one was Korean dramas... Simply ask her the name and you will get the whole plot with spoilers. Third and the last, Harry Potter books... Author J. K Rowling could take her into a new world of fantasy which she loved to indulge in.

Being brought up in an orphanage she had learned the harshness and tyranny of the world too soon, but nothing could ever change the positive outlook she had towards life and the person responsible for that was Rekha Biswas, the caretaker of the orphanage and her foster mother.

Her world revolved around very few people, and she had a seemingly non-existent personal life, spending most of her time in the hospital. She didn't like thinking about the future, she lived in the present and strived to make every part of it worth living. She used to give way almost forty percent of her savings to the orphanage that had made her capable of living the world on her own terms. 

She had rented a small house on the outskirts of Bangalore as it was available at a quite cheap price and honesty, she was really a stingy person. The saying, "old habits, seldom die"  was very aptly applicable to her because even though she had started earning very well, she knew the importance of saving money owing to her earlier struggles.

She didn't even like buying dresses and accessories unlike other girls, and to be frank her alluring features didn't need the crowning of those things. Dark black eyes, with a honey tan complexion and stunning jawline, could make anyone smitten by her but she had no time to indulge herself in love affairs. 

Despite all the coarseness faced by her while getting her education, she was quite happy as she had finally got what she wanted even if her job was really strenuous and demanding.

The most dreadful for her were the Saturday nights, party time for others, and the busiest one for the ER doctors, driving under intoxication, accidents, and many more with time being the critical factor to decide life or death. But still, this was the life that she chose of her free will, and she had never regretted it.

Each sound, of an ambulance siren, brought a story, a story that never usually concerned her or any other doctor in the ER Department because they had no time. Never did she thought that this ambulance siren, this new patient who was now being brought to the emergency room will become her biggest concern in the coming time.

She rushed towards the new patient, a woman in her late twenties wearing a blue dress covered with blood, multiple injuries, and multiple fractures. She had apparently tried to commit suicide by jumping off a building as told by the paramedics and police officers. Her breathing was extremely shallow, BP was dropping and her heart rate was decreasing every passing second.

"Get the oxygen support... Get the defibrillator immediately... Quickly take an emergency X-ray" She commanded the nurse at the top of her voice monitoring the sinking condition of her new patient.

While trying to resuscitate the patient, she saw some strange rope marks on her wrist as well as some injection-like marks with few rashes on her upper arm clearly visible against her fair skin tone. The patient was striving every second to live and Amna was trying every possible way to save her, but her heart rate was dropping more and more.

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